It's Gross

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After school we all headed to Angelica's locker, she and Eiza had made milkshakes last night and left them out, Angelica had the milkshakes in her locker now. I was the last to arrive to her locker because I forgot where Angelica's locker was for a few minutes, I had to scroll through the group chat to find the locker number.

"Alex! Finally," Angelica said, she thrust a milkshake into my hands and I almost gagged on the stench alone.

Angelica notice me almost gagging and glared, "You think that's bad? I'm NEVER going to get this smell outta my locker!" She whined.

"We all make sacrifices," Herc said while uttering his most boss voice and staring out of the window. Angelica punched him in the side and laughed, Herc split into a smile.

FrenchFry: Mon Dieu this is terrible. Papa is uncomfortable!

VeryBiMuchSexual: We've got the shakes.

FrenchFry: Hurry up! ;-;

Eliza had called the Schuyler chauffeur to bring the limo to the school and soon all of us had piled into smooth seats.

"If dad smells the shakes we're so dead," Eliza said, "So don't let these spill or we're taking it outta your paycheck." We all nodded and held onto our disgusting shakes while screeching to the pop/rap songs Angelica put on.

We parked a few blocks from Lafayette's so Lee wouldn't see the limo. We all grabbed our milkshakes, for a split second of terror Victoria stumbled but Nathan darted forward and grabbed her arm, steadying her.

"We can't afford clumsiness!" Hissed Angelica as she helped Eliza from the limo. Victoria rolled her eyes but didn't respond.

After Angelica told the chauffeur to stay there we all headed to Laf's house, but we made sure to stay out of the view of the windows.

FrenchFry: I can see you! Hi! Lee's in the bathroom!

Well we thought we were out of view from the windows.

"Okay!" Angelica said, "Book this shit! Laf unlocked the car with his key chain, we have about 2 minutes!"

We didn't need anything else to be said, we ran while holding the lids onto the cups to keep the contents from spilling. Herc, being the athletic one, reached Lee's car first. I almost felt bad when I saw how nice the inside of Lee's car was but when Eliza slung her disgusting milkshake into the car with such violence, I lost all of my inhibitions and dumped mine over the wheel and down the driver's seat. Victoria's milkshake found it's way into the trunk, Angelica's went to the windshield and Nathan dumped his onto the floorboards. John opened the glove box and dumped his into it.

"Okay, time to go!" Angelica said as her watch went off. We all ran and hid in Laf's garage so we could see Lee's reaction.

FeministBitch: It is done

FrenchFry: Okay, I told Lee I've got homework so he's gonna leave! Somebody record!

BadAssMOFO: On it

True to his word Herc whipped out his phone and began to record Lee's car. As Charles walked towards his car Eliza had to cover her mouth to hide her giggles. Lee actually sat down before he noticed, guess he was on cloud nine after meeting Laf's dad. The scream was the first thing that came, Eliza burst into giggles despite Angelica trying to silence her. Herc was full on laughing but he kept the camera rolling for Laf.

"WHO DID THIS?!" Lee shouted at nobody in particular, John was out of it after that.

"Uh oh," Herc suddenly said, we looked to see that Lee had his eyes on us.

"You!" He cried and ran towards the shed.

"Time to split!" John shouted. We all piled through Laf's garage door that lead into a hallway and followed Herc who seemed to know the place very well as he ran towards a room. When we opened it, Laf was standing there talking to a man who was standing strong and confidently, I swear elegance just flowed from this man.

For a second Laf seemed at a loss for words, "Bonjour," He finally said and laughed awkwardly.

"Who are these Marie-Joseph?" The man asked.

"Ah, papa, these are my copains," Laf was turning red in the face, "You've met Hercules..these two are Angelica and Elizabeth, they're sœurs," Eliza and Angelica curtsied a little which caused Laf's dad to smile at them approvingly. "This is Victoria and Nathan, they're jumeaux," Laf continued. Nathan shook hands with Laf's dad and Victoria smiled awkwardly. "This is John," John shook hands with Laf's dad. "And this is Alexander," I stiffened and shook hands as best as I could with this man but I couldn't help shaking a little bit at how surprisingly nervous I am.

"I'm George Washington," Laf's dad said, "I didn't know you were coming over."

"We didn't plan to," John rushed quickly, all of us felt awkward.

"We're sorry if we're intruding," Eliza added just as quickly, shifting from one foot to the other.

Mr. Washington shook his head, "It's fine," He smiled and I realized that I would like this man, "Any friend of my son in welcome in my house."

"Thanks," Eliza smiled at him in her cinnamon bun way and we all sat down for tea after being invited to.

While he was pouring Laf's tea Mr. Washington asked, "So how did your prank go, son?" Laf turned redder (if even possible) in the face and we all froze as he stammered over fake lies that contradicted one another. "Oh come on," Mr. Washington laughed and placed a hand on Laf's shoulder, "Don't try and hide it, you couldn't sneak a Twinkie without me knowing days in advance. Everything is written all over your face," Mr. Washington then winked, "I've never known you to look out the window that often or usher a guest away, especially a guest you invited over."

"It went well, sir," Herc finally said with confidence he always seemed to have, where did he even get that much confidence?

"Great!" Mr. Washington said, "Well," He turned and gave Laf a quick hug, "I've got laws to write and thesis's to print so I must be going. Feel free to hang around," And just like that Mr. Washington had all of my respect.

"That was, how you say, embarrassing..." Laf whined. We laughed at him.

"I wish my dad was like your's," Victoria said, she seemed to really like the tea. Actually, Eliza and Angelica did too, although Peggy made a face when she tried it. Nathan didn't even have a cup while Herc, John, and Laf had already had one cup, John was working on three.

Laf smiled at Victoria, "Oui, mon papa es great, je l'aime."

I felt envy grow inside of me at how close Laf was to his dad, and how great Mr. Washington is. I'll never have that relationship with my father, he left and if he hadn't then I wouldn't have grown up in Nevis and mom would have had proper health care to recover from her sickness.

"Alex, you okay," John had placed his hand on my forearm, his touch sent a tingling sensation through me.

"Yeah," I said, "Just a case of the green-eyed monster," John's laugh was forced, his usual laugh is much lighter and contagious.

I felt my phone buzz and looked at it weirdly, "I think I have to go..." I said as worry began to grow as another message came.

"Why?" Eliza asked, concern drawing itself across her features.

I didn't reply after I read the next two messages, I just took off towards my house. I don't know if I was scared or feeling a sense of dread but something was going on with Peter.

I'm sorry

I'm not that important anyway

You can get somebody else to take care of you

I love you <3

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