A Disney Ball

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Our last day here at Disney was Nate's and my birthday! We were having a ball in the Disney palace through the Schuyler's and Washington's money being thrown at Disneyland. I'm so excited!!

"You look hot!" Theodosia, my best friend, complimented. She was always full of compliments.

I spun, the green dress twirling, and I grinned, "Herc's tailoring really paid off!"

"And that BOD!" She shouted and I slapped her shoulder playfully. I had to admit, I liked the way this dress compliments my curves and overall body, it worked at every angle. I've never been overly confident in myself but I look good!

I pulled a purple dress from my wardrobe and thrust it at Theo, I had it made secretly just for her, "Put that on fam." Theo smiled kindly and thanked me, putting the dress on. I smirked, "Now even Aaron will notice you."

"Oh mah God shut up!" Theo blushed and shoved me, her long held crush on Aaron being my favorite thing to tease her on though I'd never reveal it to anybody else, she trusted me!

"Okay! Time to go be hot and glamorous at my birthday!" I grabbed her arm and we ran to the carriages that would take us to the castle. They were white with details being in gold and authentic flowers decorating it. The reigns to the horses matched the carriage and the inside had red cushions and was very comfortable which slightly surprised me.


"Okay so, how does this go on?" I asked Laf, holding the bow tie out awkwardly. I've never had to dress formally before, ever. Plus, I always thought if I had to then I'd have Tori because she knows how to tie ties and bow ties.

Laf chuckled, "Mon amie you are so sans espoir." Sans? Papyrus? Wait no this is French.

"What?" I literally know no French.

"Nothing." Laf chuckled, it was definitely something and it annoys me more than it should that I do not know what the something is that it is.

Laf tied the bow tie on, "Thanks." I said as I turned to the mirror and fixed the coat on my shoulders and smoothed it out, glaring at the buttons at the end of the sleeves. How am I supposed to button those? There's no way unless I contort my thumb and I am not doing that.

Laf rolled his eyes and buttoned them, "Totalement impuissant." 

"I feel like you speak in French because you know I don't know it." I said and crossed my arms.

Laf nodded, "Oui that's it." Frikken.

I shoved him and laughed, "Jerk." I then looked at the time, "Shit we gotta go!" I barely remembered to grab his wrist before taking off to the elegant carriage.


I arrived arm in arm with John to the castle, walking in with him and hurrying over to the twins to congratulate them on being adults now. It's kind of weird to think about, we're all becoming adults. Actually I don't think I'm ready to be an adult I want a refund.

"Nate!" John called, grabbing both of the twins's attentions.

"Hi!" They said at the same time. Psychic weirdos.

I smiled, "Happy 18th." I also think it's slightly weird that they're older than me.

"Yeah!" John nodded, "Hope your new year is full of happiness."

"Thanks!" They spoke at the same time again.

"Enjoy the party!" Victoria subtly moved her head in the direction of John and wiggled her eyebrows.

I turned to John and as if on cue a slow dance started. I bet that sneaky walnut planned this. I bowed low and held my hand out to John, "May I have this dance?"

John giggled, I loved his voice and his laughter, and I would go to war to hear him giggle. When he placed his hand in mine I stood back up the whole way and pulled him to me, dancing out onto the ballroom floor with him against my chest.

"I love you." John whispered, moving his head to the side against my chest as I lead him through the waltz.

"I love you more." I whispered back and moved my other hand onto the small of his back.


A few drinks never hurt anybody...


I watched John and Alex dance, leaning against the wall with my glass of cider, twirling it. Them being happy was my priority, I'm so glad their friendship was able flourish into a relationship. I glanced across the room to Herc, flask in hand, beanie loosely on, shirt hanging over his shoulder, built as all hell, basically the man of my dreams.

I refused to ruin the friendship between Herc and I with my feelings, for years I've wanted to lay down next to him all night mumbling sweet nothings, for years I've wanted to eat ice cream at a parlor with him across from me, for years I've wanted to laugh at his dorky jokes in privacy as we watched some crappy romcom, for years I've wanted to kiss his cheek while walking hand in hand in public, for years I've-

"Laf?" Shit he's right here.

"A-A-u-um o-oui?" I tried to keep the blush from my face at how close Herc was.

Herc smirked, "I saw you staring~"

"Qu-Quoi?!" I couldn't help the heat to my face now. Herc put his hands onto my hips and I pushed him away, "You're drunk." I didn't want to do anything with Herc, especially drunk Herc, then we won't be friends anymore.

"The alcohol doesn't stop me from loving you~" Herc replied and I shook my head.

"P-Please don't say..." I looked down, "Don't say such th-things..."

Herc tilted my head up by my chin and kissed me before I could respond. I didn't know what I was doing but I threw away all of my doubts and kissed back, pulling him closer. A small voice in my mind kept telling me to stop, that I would regret this, that he's just drunk, but even if it's just this moment I want it to last as long as it can. Just me and Herc, arm in arm, face to face.


I slapped Nate's arm repeatedly and squealed, pointing at Laf and Herc, "It happened! Look! Look! I gotta go find Pegs!!" I ran off and found the girl, jumping on her to get her immediate attention.

"AH!" Peggy and I crashed to the ground, "The hell?!" I put a finger to her lip for silence and pointed to my OTP making out in the corner, "Holy shit..." She got up and marched over to Angelica, "You owe me $10."

I laughed, of course they had a bet over the two, I mean, the sexual tension was so thick I swear you could cut it with a knife every time Laf and Herc were in the same room. I just wonder why Angelica chose the losing side?

"Cake time!!" Eliza shouted as she rode in on the cake trolley.

"Gather around gays!" Theo shouted, she was pushing the trolley, "I mean guys! ...same thing actually."

I bounded over and joined Nate at one end of the table as the Avengers assembled, the lights got turned off after 18 candles had been lit and soon everybody was singing the birthday song. Before I blew out the candles I made a silent wish...

I want everybody here to fall in or stay in love


...also I want a dragon


I want this happiness to last I wished as I closed my eyes and blew the candles out with my twin sister, happy to be an adult at last.

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