One Year

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A/N: Also like here's a little fun fact - I'm related to Nathan Hale like almost directly, like he didn't have any children of his own but his siblings sure did and I can't remember which sibling I'm directly related to but it's one of his brothers and I still have that last name ^^
Fun Fact of the day.


Finally, John was released from the hospital. I wound up just giving him a piggy back ride all the way home because I was so excited! And also his legs are kind of weak and his side still aches so I wanted to help. John laughed the whole way which made me ecstatic. I'd already texted Peggy to get the turtle up in the glass enclosure in John's new room that father had set up after saying John could live with us as long as him and I didn't so anything 'inappropriate'.

"Hey John?" I began as I started walking up the stairs to his room, not being able to keep the grin off of my face at the image of John seeing his new pet turtle for the first time.

"Yeah babe?" I felt my face heat up. For some reason pet names still make me blush...I'm like a middle schooler I swear.

Quickly I carried him into his room and dropped him onto the turtle bedspread and pointed at the enclosure, "Happy one year anniversary!"

He squealed like a little girl and ran over to the turtle, picking him up and giggling, "Oh me gosh!" I think getting this turtle was the best decision of my life, just seeing John's face made it worth it!

"You should name him." I said and got up to wrap my arms around his waist.

"Okay ummm..." He hummed for a few moments, "Rebel! His name is Rebel!"

"Rebel Laurens it is!" I said and kissed his cheek and wondering if any other turtles were named Rebel.

"But when we get married I want your last name." John replied and leaned back into my embrace.

I blushed harder and thought of a coherent sentence and just settled on "Rebel Hamilton?"

"Yeah!" I chuckled and we went to his bed and sat down, "Hey Lexi." I looked at him and motioned for him to go on, "Do you ever think about the future sometimes?" He asked, shifting in his spot.

"What do you mean?" I asked, a bit worried.

"I mean...I want to marry you, Alexander." I blushed heavily but he put a finger against me before I could respond, "And...and have a family."

"I want that too, more than anything." I smiled and took his hand as Rebel crawled around his bed, "I got Rebel because I want to be with you and I want to have lives with you. Children, pets, decorating our first apartment or house together, I want it all. And I want it with you, John Laurens, and only you."

John smiled and squeezed my hand, "What about naming our children? I always wanted a daughter named Frances Eleanor."

I grinned, I'd thought about kids before too and I'm so ready to talk to John about them, "Oh yeah that's beautiful! Frances Eleanor Hamilton. I want a son named Philip, Philip Hamilton." I don't know why I love the name Philip so much but I do.

"I want a son named James!" John said, getting excited.

"And we have to have an Alexander Hamilton Jr." I said, grinning at him. I always wanted a child with my name but obviously he can't have my exact name so slap a Jr at the end of it.

"William Stephen Hamilton too, I've been thinking about that name a lot for some reason." John added, his grin matching mine. "O-Oh and a girl named Holly too." Holly is such a graceful name.

"Wait how many children are we up to now?" I asked, very concerned at what we were planning here, but happy to be planning it.

"Six....I think." He put his fingers up and began counting on them, "So Frances, Philip, James, Junior, William, and Holly. Yeah that's six."

"Already giving Alex Jr a nickname?" I teased and he grinned wider again, " Do you think we could handle six kids?" I asked, that seems like a daunting task.

"I can handle anything if I have you, Alexander." John replied and I smiled at him because it was the same for me, if I had John I could weather any storm.

Slowly he leaned in and kissed me, and I responded by putting my arms around him and burying my fingers in his curls as he bit on my lip. I went to turn the kiss French but then the actual fucking Frenchman walked in.

"Mon frère have you seen the-MERDE!" He backed out of the room, "PAPA ALEX AND JOHN ARE BEING GAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!" He shouted as he ran down the hallway.

The mood died with that as we dissolved into laughter. Father came in a few minutes later to make sure we weren't having sex.

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