The Hugger

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Hercules took me to a basketball game, he basically just yelled the whole time, I didn't understand much of what was happening but I was happy to see Herc so excited though my ears could probably use a break.

I'm not sure how I am right now...happy, sad, depressed? I feel confused, but not forgotten. I feel like Hercules has been taking me on so many dates lately to distract me, I know that's what he's doing. I appreciate it, I really do, but I feel more like a burden now though I know that's not at all how he wants me to feel. He dragged me everywhere with him, reminded me every night I was loved. I feel special, yes, but I also feel like I'm forcing him to do things he doesn't want to.

Wait shit...where'd he go?!

I stood up when I noticed Herc was gone and looked around, I spotted him on the court. The game had ended? When did that happen? Oops. Regardless, I went to him.

I don't know what they were talking about but I heard, "Well FIGHT ME THEN!" From one of the players, what the hell?

"I'd much rather hug you." Herc responded as I approached closer.

"Let me in too!" Another team member said. I was confused, what were they talking about?

"C-Can I join?" A smaller member asked, they were smiling softly.

"Sure!" The one who spoke before them said brightly.

Hercules then wrapped them all up in one of his big hugs, the first member who yelled in the beginning spoke up, "I'VE BEEN WAITING 20 YEARS TO HUG THE KING OF ALL HUGGERS!" They all hugged Hercules back.

"That was...ANTICLIMACTIC!" The smaller member spoke up.

The one who yelled spoke again, "It was a quote from Fuller House."

I was very befuddled, "Herc?" Hercules looked back at me and grinned, pulling me into the group hug, "Ah 'ello um, Herc who are these?" I don't have a particular thing against talking to strangers but physical contact is a line I usually don't like to cross.

"Just Jordyn and their friends." Herc replied, shrugging.

I decided to just introduce myself, "I'm Laf."


"Okay so if we put sugar in Rebel's food will he become more hyper?" I asked John, holding the packet of sugar. My mother used to say I couldn't have sugar because it would make me hyper so I wonder if the same thing works for turtles.

John shook his head frantically, "Do not give Rebel sugar!"

"Why not?" I waved the sugar packets with a grin.

"I don't think it's good for them!" John yelled, grabbing the sugar packets from me.

I groaned, "Laaaaaaaame!" Turtles and their inability to have sugar is laaaaaaaame...if I said that out loud I think John might actually kill me.

"Not my problem." John replied and flopped onto his bed, looking over at Rebel who was resting on his rock in his tank, his bottom half was submerged in the water though.

"You think I can get into King's College?" I asked, since it was Senior year we'd been being pressured into thinking about future colleges/universities and I think I'm going to go for King's College.

"Yeah, you're pretty smart." John said as if it was obvious, then he made a humming noise that let me know he was thinking, "What if we all applied to King's?"

"If we all got in that would be lit." I replied, sitting on his bed and messing with his hair. John's hair is so curly, bouncy, and absolutely perfect.

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