A Week of Hell

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"Alex I can't sit up." John said, I smiled and got up to help.

He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and I pulled him up from the small of his back so he was sitting, "Better?"


There was a lot of things he couldn't do by himself because his wound was right under his rib cage, the doctor says he's lucky the bullet only hit his liver. But, that means he can't drink often and when he does drink it can only be enough to /barely/ get him tipsy or else he'll get alcohol poisoning.

"I hate being useless." John mumbled quietly. I sighed, my poor John, I hate that somebody could do this to him and I did next to nothing.

"You're not useless." I assured him, playing with his hair idly.

John stuck his bottom lip out, "I can't even sit up by myself."

"But that's not your fault." I reminded him.

John sighed and leaned back, "I hate him." I sighed again.

"I do too." I climbed into the bed so he could cuddle again me and he did, "He'll be behind bars forever soon." John only nodded and began to doze off, I hummed a song until he did.


I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him

I can't stand it anymore. Hercules and I got in a fight. It was a joke. A fucking joke. He didn't have to yell at me! It's his fault I spilled the drink in the first place! He shouldn't have grabbed my arm, it's his fault his oh so precious dress got a stain on it. He didn't have to yell! Father told me if somebody yells at you not to yell back and to try and deescalate the situation but I couldn't do that, I yelled back. Then he shoved me out! He shoved me out of his house!

A flash of lightning caught my attention and the following thunder clap made me tense up for a moment, loud noises...were...

"Laf!" I turned to see Herc just as he shoved me out of the way of a swerving car, I hadn't even been watching where I was going, I didn't even realize I was in the street! "Jesus!" I tried to form words but honestly that was so shocking I couldn't! "Shh, oh God." He sat up and looked me over, brushing his hand over a spot on my temple that made me cringe back, guess I got hurt? "I'm so sorry, shit...fuck man, Laf, Laf I love you I'm so sorry."

I looked at him properly and brushed his tears away, "Mon amour, why are you crying?" If anybody should be crying it's me...

"I almost lost you twice...because of my own stupidity." Herc replied, I felt him pull be closer in this hug I almost couldn't breath but I enjoyed the hug. Herc is definitely a hugger.

"I...almost got hit by une voiture." I realized quietly.

"Y-Yeah."Herc sniffled loudly.



oh shit

Nate opened the door to our room and sighed and I knew what he was going to say, "Well. He said-"

"-Yeah I hard him." No way in hell was I going to hear that insult again, "Buuuuuuut I don't wanna go upstairs." Our bedroom is in the basement and I was under no circumstances leaving it right now. If a fire started, I would burn alive out of spite.

"He'll come down here if you don't go up there." Nate replied, looking torn. My poor confrontation hating brother.

"Oh as if his old ass hips can go down the stairs." I rolled my eyes and got up anyway, deciding maybe to go upstairs anyway so I don't make anybody angry...angrier.

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