Solar Eclipse

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I sat with John on the blanket he'd spread out, an empty basket that had held food behind him, the food was spread across the blanket. Pie, macaroni, deviled eggs, salad, fruits, orange juice, and more. John and I sat on a hill with all of this, just the two of us. We both had special glasses so we could look at the eclipse without going blind though I'm not letting either of us just stare at it, even with the glasses. John also insisted that Rebel and Sanders stay inside because he didn't want them going blind, I don't think they'd look directly at the sun, but John insisted so Laf and I agreed.

"There's no way we can eat all of this," John said, looking over the food. Ha! He thought; I could eat all of this by myself with enough determination.

I shrugged, "We don't have to. I just didn't want to run out." I kissed his cheek and grinned wider when red tinted his face, highlighting his freckles. I never used to think freckles were particularly attractive before I met John, I never thought they were unattractive, I just thought they looked like another feature on somebody. But, after meeting and being with John for so long, I've found his freckles are rather attractive. I love them, they paint his face beautifully and made him more distinctive, more unique.

"Whoa!" John exclaimed. I looked at him to see he was gaping at the sky, I looked to the sky to see the moon had inched its way from just beside the sun to almost halfway across it. It was amazing! I put a deviled egg in my mouth as I watched it advancing.

I then had a random thought, "Imagine if we were the kind of couple that never farted around each other." I couldn't stop myself from saying it the minute my mind concocted it, John, of course, died laughing.

"We'd be dead!" He managed between giggles, he went to drink something after he'd stopped laughing but then he started laughing again, almost causing him to spray his drink everywhere. I had already felt embarrassed when I said it so his laughing was only adding insult to injury.

I crossed my arms, "It isn't that funny, John!" I whined, sticking my bottom lip out. I hoped that pouting like this would cause John to take pity on me and stop his endless tirade of laughter but one glance my way had him laughing harder. "It's a viable concern!" I yelled over him, and it was! If we never farted around each other then we wouldn't be able to live! "Johnnnnnnn!" I shook him to try and get him to stop.

"Don't shake me!" John said, "I have a food baby!" He looked genuinely concerned for his food baby so I stopped shaking him.

I only had one question, "What are you going to name your food baby?" It was an important question! A lot goes into a name, especially a baby name, food babies are babies and I will fight for their right to a name and also anybody who says they are not real babies are wrong. Actually, anybody who disagrees with me, in general, is wrong.

"Hm..." John looked deep in thought as he tried to find the perfect name for his food baby, resting his chin on his fist. He then brightened as the idea hit him, lifting his head with a pointed finger, grinning, "Ryan Gosling!"

I laughed and kissed his forehead, "You're banned from all future baby naming." I told him and laughed harder as he began to fervently disagree with my decision. Hey, if he was going to name a food baby Ryan Gosling then he doesn't get to name babies anymore. Eventually, I caved and compromised, he was banned from food baby naming only.

I looked over as John watched the peak of the eclipse which made everything look like it was night time. Most people would watch the eclipse but I'm watching John, his amazed face was worth more to me than any moon or sun will ever be. John is a whole other being and that's crazy to me, I forget sometimes that we are not the same person. Is that weird? That's probably weird. I just...I love him.

"Alex, look at the friggin moon!" John shouted and I chuckled but complied, managing to pry my eyes off of his perfectly sculptured face to watch the moon and the sun. "You wanna know what I read about solar eclipses?" John asked though he continued without waiting for me to reply, "It's when Apollo does something so stupid that Artemis comes out in the middle of the day to lecture him in front of everybody." I laughed again, I love Greek mythology so these jokes are just fantastic!

As we watched the moon pass to the other side of the sun I decided to ask John about the future, "What would your dream house be like?" I asked, taking his hand that was closest to me. He felt warm, he always did, never too warm but never too cold. Just right, perfect even, everything about this boy is perfect.

John pulled his thinking face again while he intertwined our fingers, "Hmm...that's a tough one." I waited patiently for him to brighten up as he always did when he got an idea, "It would have two toilets..." I nodded that made sense. Can't have just one, that would be stupid. "In the same room!" He yelled and I was a bit confused, "Then we can hang out together while pooping. Is that weird?"

"No, it's beautiful." I replied and looked at John as the moon passed the sun completely, "Just like that eclipse was...just like you are." John blushed again and I took the chance to kiss him as passionately as I could, it just felt right. John's lips are just perfect, just right. Being able to kiss John Laurens is probably one of the best things I get to do in my life, the first is being able to date him and to have his love. Is that weird? I don't know, but, I don't think I care.

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