How To Break a Heart

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I helped the wonderful woman known as Angelica Schuyler thinking she'd have fallen for me in this time but no, she has not. She was using me the whole time. Granted, I have been a bit rude to her friends but honestly they deserve it. It was sex, that's what we agreed on, but I couldn't help falling for her.

Her body wasn't everything, believe me, but it was a major advantage to her overall being. Angelica is much more than her body though, she is fiercely loyal when called upon, she is a fire cracker when needed, she is a hot headed woman, always appropriate, and she is a genius.

But on Sunday she broke my heart, I haven't been to school in two days and I refuse to leave my room. I missed her! Her name in my phone still has it's hearts, my neck still has her marks and I have no doubt hers still has mine. I could still feel her under me, on me, around me. Yes, our encounters were usually sexual, but I wanted more. I wanted something more. But she didn't.

"Thomas!" James called and I looked to my door as he knocked on it. "Come out now! You've been sitting in your room for two days!" I should've known he'd come, he always does when I have an unexcused extended period of absence, also known as not answering his texts.

I pulled the blanket tighter around me as if that would help anything at all, "Go away! I have a headache!" Yes that has been my excuse for two days now, a headache.

"Yeah okay." James sarcastically replied and opened the door. He took one look at me and hurried over, "What's wrong Tom?" There's no use lying to him, he knows everything about me already.

I sighed and looked down mumbling, "My heart is broken."

"What?" He put an arm around me, pulling me closer. I felt my head hit his chest but I didn't care.

"She left me." I mumbled again and let James hold me, he is 100x better than a blanket.

"Sorry to hear, Thomas." He said and held me tighter, "I didn't know you were seeing somebody."

"It wasn't official..." I looked down, "It's my fault." I determined, she must have broken it off because of what I've said to Peggy. What did I think was going to happen if I kept insulting her sister? I'm such a prick...

"No it's not, she's the one that left you." James said, running a hand through my hair. I stopped him, that reminded me of Angelica.

"Because of me." I replied, staying vague.

"She doesn't know what she's lost." James said, and I nodded half-halfheartedly. I'm a catch but so is she. "One day she's going to wake up and look around and realize she let the best thing that's ever happened to her walk out the door."

I snuggled against James, he always made me feel better, "Thanks Jamie."

"You're welcome, Tommy."


"Johnnnnnn!" I whined as we entered literature, having been denied affection for hours now.

"Nope!" John replied cheekily, plopping into his seat next to me with no apologetic look to be seen.

"But Johnnnnnnn!" He shook his head and I groaned. He'd been refusing to hug or kiss me ever since I shoved his remote away from him to win Mario Kart this morning before school.

"No if, ands, or buts!" John replied, getting his textbook out and pretending to be engrossed in it to ignore me.

Herc let out a low whistle, "Lover's quarrel?" He teased

Laf chuckled, "Only because Alex cheated." He was there and has not let me have a moments of rest since John declared he was going to give me the cold shoulder.

"Cheated?" Herc repeated, concerned.

"In Mario Kart!" I shouted quickly, "Not like...that. I'd never do that." Which is true! I'd never cheat on John! I love him. But video games are fair game.

John crossed his arms and nodded, "So he gets no love until I decide he's made up for it."

"It's not fairrrrrrrr!" I cried. It's just a stupid game, who cares anyway?! John came in second so it's not like he failed.

"Seems fair to me." Herc said with a shrug.

"Oui, I agree." Laf added. I glared at them, how dare they not take my side when my side is always the right one.

"What're you guys talking about?" Eliza asked, popping into her seat in front of John. She turned sideways so she could look at us and get a catch up of the conversation thus far.

"Alex cheated." Herc said with no explanation whatsoever.

"Mario! Kart!" I shouted quickly after, why did they keep leaving that detail out? Eliza laughed and flipped to the page written on the board.

"Elizaaaaaaa!" I whined, "Tell John to love me!" John had to listen to Eliza! She's like...a teacher! You have to listen to the good teachers because you always listen to the good teachers...because they're good and deserve it.

"I'm sure he loves you plenty, Alex." Eliza replied, pulling her hair up into a ponytail before fishing a notebook out of her bag because we had to take notes from the textbook, which is a stupid way to learn because you're not learning you're just memorizing the information.

"But he won't kisssssss me!" I replied, I just want Johnny loooooove!

"You cheated!" John defended, pouting. Oh...I guess I lost. Can't argue with John's pout face. Nope. Not possible.

"Cheated?" Victoria asked, sliding into the seat in front of me with Nathan in front of her and turning to eye me slightly.

"Mario Kart." Eliza explained with a giggle.

"Oh....I thought I was going to have to stab a bitch." Tori said casually, flipping to the page written on the board.

"No stabbing required." John told her, his pout having been replaced with a grin.

The bell then rang so we all quieted down to listen to the teacher as she began to talk about the dick jokes in Shakespeare, needless to say a lot of us got in trouble because we weren't supposed to laugh. But I mean, what did she think was going to happen?! Put a bunch of teenagers in a room and talk about dick jokes and they will laugh. That's just the science of dick jokes.

In drama that day, we began practice for The Nightmare Before Christmas. Last year we had voted it, and this year we were to do it. The summer vacation had been spent getting the set and costume designs done, now we began rehearsal.

I was cast as Jack! And Eliza was Sally.

I'm just so excited!

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