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I sat with Herc, Laf, Angelica, and Aaron in the living room, we had one and only one objective here. "How are we going to find out what's happened to John?" We're all very concerned, but have no idea how to help. So, we gathered together to try and find out what's happening to my gorgeous boy.

"We could follow him home after school." Angelica offered. I would agree had Laf already tried that.

"Tried that." Laf replied, "'e seems to always expect 'e is being followed so I always lose 'im."

"Besides what if that does nothing?" Herc added, "It's not like we know where it's happening."

"No it's happening at his home." Aaron cut in and we all turned to him and motioned for him to continue, " know those polls they had us do a few days ago? The ones that ask things like 'have you bullied somebody, have you been bullied, how do you like your teachers, do you trust your teachers' and all that?" We nodded, "John clicked no for the 'Do you feel safe at home' one and I know that is pretty vague clue but it's still relevant."

"No that's good." I said and then realized how that sounded, "I mean it's not good that John has a bad home life but it's a good clue."

"We know what you meant, mon frère." Laf chuckled, "Why would John not be safe at home?"

"He was always afraid of his father finding out about us." I said, "Which is why he made that fake Facebook account."

"But you two hid it so well." Herc tilted his head in thought though he still looked as confused as we all felt..

"You said you had a phone call right before he went dark?" Angie asked, pointing at me.

"Yeah," I thought back to that day, "Peggy was dropping me off after we went shopping and I called John to let him know I'd completed the deal and he called me by my full name, he never does that, so I asked him what was up and he said he was busy..." I didn't want to admit what I was afraid of but I knew it might help, "I was afraid he wasn't happy with me anymore so I said I love him and that I'd see him the next day and he already said he'd see me the next day too so I hung up and then he disappeared for two weeks."

"He obviously doesn't want to break up." Aaron said, I guess he was trying to be reassuring.

"He did come back." Herc added.

I waved my hands around to get their attention, "No no!" I forced a laugh, "I know now he wouldn't break up I was just concerned then." Maybe if I hadn't been so afraid then he wouldn't be where he is now...the domino affect thing has me fucked up.

"Anyway!" Angelica got our attention really quick, "We're here for John not their relationship."

"I mean it's kind of both." Laf argued.

"Laf shut it." Angie said and he did a 'lock and key' motion with his lips, "Did he say he loved you too, in the call?"

"I didn't give him time..." I admitted sheepishly, I should've given him time, "I hung up right after I said I'd see him later because I was afraid of a breakup and didn't want to be annoying." I'm annoying a lot, I usually don't care-especially when I'm annoying Thomas, but I care so much more for John seeing me as annoying.

She nodded slowly and Aaron piped in, "So he's been beaten and he's not safe at home and he stayed home for two weeks?" He asked, when it was all said at once we all connected them instantly.

"We need to find out where he lives." Laf said finitely.

"Agreed." The rest of us replied without knowing how to find that information out.


I love my friends and my boyfriend I really do and I love how concerned they are and I've given them plenty of reasons to be but they need to stop before they get hurt. I know it's what they should be, if any of my friends were going through what I am I would be worried and be trying to fix it, but this isn't something that can be fixed.

They tried following me home, I made a lot of twists and turns and backtracked and ran up short alleys only to run down another one a few feet away and then letting myself get lost in a crowd to throw them off.

When they began asking me how I was at home or how my parents or siblings were I just answered vaguely. I hated questions of my siblings so they stopped those ones, they only remind me of my little brother, James...

But I knew they were getting closer and closer to the truth of the matter, it was only a matter of time.

Everyday when I get home my father does something, it changed everyday. If he's particularly angry it's almost as bad as the first time, usually it's only a few blows and then he leaves me. He's learned not to hit me in visible places and I would thank him for that but...

I stumbled up the stairs after I got home, he'd punched me a few times in the stomach but that was it thankfully. I'd learned to keep quiet after he started getting angry and angrier each time I yelped or screamed.

I stood in front of my mirror, my lip would never heal, just a small amount of force and it starts bleeding and this happened everyday, blood slowly trailing down my chin was a common sensation.

"Just one more year..." I found myself saying this a lot, "One more year and I can move out."

The only thing I have to look forward to is moving out and my future with Alexander...I hope we have a future together. I love him, I really do. If he left me I don't think I'd survive.


"I have gathered you all here today to discuss-"

"-Stop saying that every time we enter an elevator." I glared at Nathan as he cut me off, can't appreciate a proper joke this guy.

"But it's funnyyyyyyyy!" I whined as we went down to the ground level of the mall. Elevators feel weird on your feet, don't they? It's like, you feel as if you're going up but then it feels like your going's hard to explain.

"It's really not." He replied, taking my elbow to force me to follow him back to the car. Probably because I kept running back to Hot Topic and Spencers, I can't buy everything I want but I like to just...look at them.

"Your face is funny." I grumbled.

"Not as funny as your fashion sense." He replied.

I gasped and put a hand over my heart, "You take that back!"

"What if I don't?" He replied with a smirk, throwing our bags into the back of his truck.

"You know that secret I'm going to tell everybody tomorrow?" I asked and he nodded, "Well now I won't tell you." I crossed my arms.

"No you can't build it up and then not tell me!" Nate cried and I grinned.

"Watch me." I stuck my tongue out and climbed into the passenger seat.

Too Young and Blind (High School Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now