Life Line

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"Oh God." Theo said and took a deep breath before drinking the first drink she had to mix. It was gross I'll tell you that, it's basically clay mixed into water and the second one is basically charcoal mixed into water. I've never tried it but her reactions were enough for me.

I rubbed her back comfortingly as she chugged it with her eyes closed tightly, "It'll help you feel better in the long run, my love." I reasoned, wanting to take this pain from her and give it to me instead.

"I know." Theo replied, "Can you get the other one?" She asked, setting the cup down hard enough for it to clink against the marble counter.

I nodded sympathetically and got the charcoal container and mixed it for her, sliding it over, "I've got your breakfast ready when you're done." She nodded and chugged it, pulling a face, and clanking the cup against the counter again, obviously hating the two mixes.

"I think I'm gonna hurl." She moaned out, putting the back of her hand over her mouth and dry heaving.

"No no no no!" I panicked and sat her down, holding a piece of the fajita omelet to her mouth, "If you do that you'll have to drink them again, just eat the food, it'll help." She took a bite of it and I moved my hands to massage her shoulders as she ate.

"Sorry." She sighed and looked over her shoulder at me when she'd swallowed and looked less ill.

I smiled at her, "For what?" She motioned to herself and I frowned, "What do you mean?"

"All of this Lyme Disease stuff." She sighed and motioned for her pills, looking completely defeated.

I hesitated, "Theo." I took her hands, "Theo I love you. I'll be here for you, in your darkest hour, in sickness, in health, for the good times, for the bad. Never forget that. You're not a burden, you're my girlfriend. If I was sick you'd never leave my side so I'm not going to leave yours. As long as I'm with you, you'll never have to apologize to me because you're perfect to me. And this 'Lyme Disease stuff' is not your fault at all so don't you dare say sorry." I wish I could fight diseases so she would be spared the pain.

"I know I just-" She let out a sob and I pulled her to me to let her cry it out, "It's just so-so hard!" She broke down and I reared in my own tears, I hated it when she cried, she doesn't deserve to be unhappy.

"I know dear." I kissed the side of her head and played with her hair because that calms her, "But I'll be here for you. Tell me when you're ready for the pills." I looked at the small plastic up I'd put her pills in, it was halfway full.

A few minutes later she'd cried out what she needed to and nodded slightly, looking over at the cup which I gave to her, she swallowed them, "Oh God."

"I know..." I sighed and ran my hand up and down her back, "The faster it's done though." She nodded begrudgingly and I passed her the next cup. She took as many as she could at one time and wound up almost choking once but eventually after almost five minutes she'd managed to get them all down.

"My head hurts." She whined, sitting back in her chair.

"Try eating." I know taking medicine without a proper amount of food in your stomach can cause issues. She nodded and sat up and ate the rest of what was on her plate. When she was done she leaned over onto me and I picked up her up, one arm around her shoulders and the other under her knees, and went to the couch where I lied down with her and pulling a blanket over us, taking on the role of human pillow, wrapping my arms around her and kissing the top of her head. "What do you want to watch?"

She hummed in thought, "Pirates of the Caribbean." I grabbed the remote while thinking back to Alex screaming on the ride at Disneyland, I laughed and put it on. Theo looked over at me, "You wanna know something?" She asked.

I raised an eyebrow, "Sure?"

"You can do anything with the Pirates of the Caribbean theme playing in the background." She replied and leaned up to kiss me and I responded instantly while chuckling a little.

"True." I replied when she pulled away. The Pirated of the Caribbean theme is the ultimate motivator.

"What would I do without you?" She asked, putting her arms around me as she was laying on top of me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, I should be asking that question about her. The movie opened with Elizabeth on the Navi ship.

"I don't think I could do this without you." She replied, "The whole...Lyme thing."

"Oh." I held her a bit tighter, "Well you don't have to worry about that because I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I love you."

"I love you too."

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