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I sat excitedly in a cap and gown, the person next to me had already been called which means I'm next! To my right was Aaron which was kind of awkward, he kept trying to talk to me or gain my attention but I was refusing anything from him considering how he'd treated me. In these last few months I'd recovered from my disease and the entire time Aaron was trying to talk to me again and even though I wanted to cave and let him into my life again I knew I was worth more so I blew him off.

"Theodosia Bartow."

I got up happily when I was called and went to the stage, accepting my diploma and smiling as I walked across the stage feeling happiness and pride. I can't believe that I've made it this far! Never in a million years did I suspect that I'd ever get this far, graduating high school! I honestly thought I'd drop out of school but I struggled and made it. I've never been more proud of myself than I was in this moment.


I watched Theo leave, sighing, she was probably the love of my life and I ruined everything with her by being an absolute idiot. I'd hurt her, for no reason than the fact that I was upset with Alexander for arguing online with me, and I took it out on her even though she had nothing to do with it. I've probably apologized a hundred times but she doesn't want anything to do with me, I can't blame her. I hurt her, I hurt her terribly, she had every right to throw me out of her life for the rest of it even though I want to be in her life, I can't anymore before of my stupidity.

"Aaron Burr."

I got up and went to the stage, accepting my diploma and things before exiting quickly and going to my car, crying inside it as I remembered how Theodosia was, how she felt, how she talked, how she cried, how she cried over me and ended up in the hospital, it was all my fault and I deserve everything I'm getting because of it.


I bounced as John Church went up, looking at Tori who was to my right, she smiled reassuring and I grinned. I can't believe this! We've both worked so hard, spent endless nights crying to each other, cursed teacher's together, and stressed over multiple things together all to lead to this moment.

"Nathan Hale."

I hugged Tori for a split second before going to the stage and coming up with an excuse for later when she asks me if I hugged her and started the teasing. I accepted the diploma and looked over at the audience to find the spot reserved for our parents empty, I wasn't surprised. I smiled one last time before exiting the stage and going to the spot Tori and I agreed to meet at after we finished the ceremony.


I watched Nate leave and felt anxious, for once we weren't together. I was going to walk over onto that stage alone, in front of a lot of people, if that's not nerve wrecking I don't know what is. I bounced my feet and felt my breathing become heavier as the anticipation settled in deeper and deeper.

"Victoria Hale."

Quickly I popped up and headed to the stage, trying to calm my nerves as the anxiety set in. I held my breath as I accepted my diploma and scanned the crowd as I saw my brother do. The spot for our parents was empty, not surprising, but when my eyes landed on George Washington clapping vapidly I felt tears leave my eyes as I hurried off to find Nate to tell him.


I watched Victoria leave, we were all being called in alphabetical order. I looked down to my right, ignoring Thomas, and smiling at Laf and John until George Hanover waved his hand at me and I shook my head and looked forward again.

Too Young and Blind (High School Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now