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I was woken up by Laf jumping on my bed, "We're going to Disneyland!" He shouted. School had only ended last week and dad had already planned a trip? "Everybody else is coming too!"

"Why?" I managed to get out as Laf dragged me from my bed, I don't know why he did though because we didn't leave my room so there was no reason to take me from the warmth of my bed.

"It's Nate and Tori's birthday soon." Laf said, rolling a suitcase into the room, "June 6th."

That was next week, "When are we leaving?"

"2 hours! You'd better start packing!" The grin on Laf's face looked sadistic to me, 2 hours?! I haven't packed my laptop properly, my phone, books, paper and pens, clothes, toiletries, extracurricular assignments, the collateral de- "Alex you ok?" I shook my head, oh yeah, Laf is here.

"Get out I gotta pack!" I shoved him out and took the suitcase Laf had brought, laying it out across my bed and opening it.

Okay what first? Clothes I guess, they're important. I powered through them, I always made sure to try on the clothes before packing them in the bag in case I had outgrown them or they were uncomfortable. Soon I had the clothes I needed tucked away and ran to my bathroom, each bedroom in this house had it's own bathroom, I made sure I had grabbed my shampoo, conditioner, and deodorant; hey, I like how I present myself. Finally I threw my assignments in and then I tucked my laptop in the middle of it all so it would be padded. I couldn't fit anything else into the bag so I topped it off on that. I was a little exhausted at having to scramble around my room to get everything set but at least I was prepared.

"Alex!" The door opened and in strode Laf followed by Herc, "We are 'ere for your suitcase! It's time to go."

Holy shit those two hours flew by, "I haven't even eaten yet!" I realized, suddenly feeling very hungry.

"What's new?" Herc asked as he lifted my suitcase onto his shoulder.

"We'll get something at the airport." Laf said, walking out of the room with Herc.

Begrudgingly, I followed them to a minivan, Nate was in the driver's seat with Tori in the passenger. As soon as the door opened I realized my fate, locking eyes with Peggy who too shared this fate with me. We were short. We are being forced into the middle of the benches. How cruel.

I sat between John, thank God for John, and Eliza in the back. Peggy, Herc, and Laf in front of us. I decided to listen to the conversations going around for now.


"So are we meeting with Aaron and Theo at the airport or Disneyland?" I asked, scrolling through Facebook on my phone.

"At the airport." Laf answered.

I was paying too much attention to my phone so when Nate abruptly hit the breaks and the car horn I felt my phone tumble from my hands.

"The fuck?!" I heard Angie yell from next to Eliza in the backedy back.

"Some dick cut us off!" Herc explained angrily.

"Motherfucker." Nate hissed.

I rolled my eyes, always so dramatic. I reached around on the floor of the car until my hand grazed across my phone and I picked it up, when I turned it over my mouth fell open because oh my God no!

"What's with your face?" Peggy asked.

I turned and showed her my phone, it was cracked five ways to Monday and the screen was flashing blue and green as well as spazzing the hell out.

"What the hell?" Laf reached for it and I handed him my phone. He looked it over, "It's broken."

"Oh really Laf? I hadn't noticed." I held in the eye roll.

"Feisty." Herc said and I couldn't contain the eye roll there.

When we arrived at the airport, Nate parked the car in the special parking for vehicles that are going to stay in the spot for the trip of the owner. I left my now broken phone in the glove box and dragged my suitcase behind me as we walked inside.


Herc carried Laf, mine, and his bag which made me feel slightly bad but honestly I didn't want to carry them myself so I was fine with it. True to his word, Laf bought poptarts for me once we were inside, we also met up with Aaron and Theodosia.

Soon, we were seated on the flight. John and Herc wound up changing seats on the plane because John wanted to sit next to me, and honestly, I wanted to sit next to him too. So now Herc was sat next to Eliza, Laf was with Nate, Victoria with Theodosia, and I have no idea where Aaron is.

"I'm scared." John told me.

Instantly I squeezed his hand, intertwining our fingers, "I'll be here for all 3 hours of this ride." I told him.

John nodded, and rested his head on my shoulder. When we began our assent into the air John's grip on my hand tightened and he tensed but as we evened out he relaxed. I tried talking through it all, he was still tense so I began talking about my most recent research topic; the reliability of the reasons behind going to war in Vietnam.

Too Young and Blind (High School Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now