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Trigger Warning: Abuse


I knew it wasn't something to be giddy about, after all, we were sort of friends, not very close, but friends, but I was still so so so happy! Peggy had invited me to this Halloween party of sorts, at George Washington's house, being hosted by Victoria Hale. I don't know Mr Washington or Miss Hale but Peggy invited me! I never get invited anywhere really, I don't have many friends and even when I do get an invitation most of the time I can't go because I can't get permission, it's nobody's fault when that happens but people tend to blame me. In order to go anywhere, I have to ask James, so I decided to text him.

Mari: Can I go to a Halloween party with Peggy tonight?

James: No

James: Sorry no you can go out with me but not with her

James: and don't argue

James: Please don't argue

Even though I knew I wasn't supposed to I decided to press it a little because I really really wanted to go to this party.

Mari: Why?

James: Because you're not going out with her. No I said no arguing, you can go out with me or nobody. End of story.

James: Don't say another word about it

James: Please

James: I asked you nicely

Mari: And I asked you nicely

Mari: Alexander Hamilton is letting John Laurens go

James: idc stop I said you can;t go please stop I'm getting really sad.

Mari: Please! You can go out with your friends and I'll go out with mine

James: No, Maria, no!

James: Drop it!!

I bit my lip as I typed out the next few messages, I was afraid of what would happen if he decided to become angry instead of sad, but I really needed to get out. I've only ever hung out with him so I basically have no friends.

Mari: No I won't drop it

Mari: Nothing wrong with me going out with my friends. I will go.

James: No you're not, Maria!!!!!!

James: Please stop!!!! What's wrong with going out with your boyfriend? You're going out with me. Stop!!

James: What's even going on tonight that you know but I don't?!?!

James: You're going with me!! You are. So drop it. You're going to meet ME! I come first, did you forget that?!?!?!

I sighed, he was right. Why couldn't I just be good to him like he is for me? He makes time for me and I always try to get away. I really am a terrible girlfriend, aren't I? I need to make up for this...

Mari: Okay. I'm sorry, want me to come over?

James: Yes. I do. Be here in 10 or else.

I quickly texted Peggy as I went to my car, telling her I couldn't make it and telling her I was spending Halloween with James because he's my boyfriend. Peggy said she understood so I trusted her and drove to James's house to apologize. I don't remember much of what happened once I got to his house, but I do know his tongue found it's way halfway down my throat while I cried.


I put Theo's bleach white flats onto her feet, holding her ankle gentle, she was dressed as what she was; an angel. I was still a little concerned about her health but she assured me that she was doing great. She took her meds before we got into costume and so far she's been okay, I decided to be the devil to her angel, jokingly, she said I'm a sinner while she's a saint.

"Okay let's go," Theo said after she'd placed the Devil horns onto my head. I thought the Devil horns were a bit extra but Theo liked them so I decided that I'd wear them, I liked seeing her happy.

I nodded and pulled her up from the chair to her feet, holding her hands in mine as I repeated my earlier warning, "And remember, above all, don't-"

"-Eat anything at the party. I'm not stupid." She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow while I just shook my head. She was a very independent woman she just forgets sometimes that she might need help every now and then.

"Shall we go?" I asked once we were arm in arm and already heading out the door. Theo didn't reply, just hummed an agreement. I smiled and lead her out of the door to my place and down the street, she wanted to walk there to get some much needed fresh air after being in her bed for a week straight. We just barely made it to the concert yesterday but she fought hard enough to be there to support everybody.


The party was in full swing when I finally finished getting my Batman costume on. It was latex! Give me a break! But when I'd managed to get it on, and a mask like Robin's because I didn't want to put something over my hair, I ran downstairs and found John.

"John what the fuck?!" I ran over as John straight up dumped a shit ton of opened packets of tampons into the punch bowl. I mean technically it's just cotton but still! John didn't reply to me, he just died laughing. I looked at the bowl to see the tampons had basically absorbed some of the punch so they were dripping red, like a dirty tampon. "I mean...it kind of fits the theme?" Cuz what's more horrifying than finding a tampon in your drink? "Tori's gonna kill you though."

"Nuh uh!" John let his voice be a little whiny, "Cuz you won't tell on me will you, Lexi?" He stuck his bottom lip out and I rolled my eyes. Then he kissed me kind of roughly, biting onto my bottom lip, and then pulling back, "Will you?" He repeated, batting his eyelashes with a wicked grin.

"N-No." I stammered when I'd recovered. Quickly, John took my hand and we ran into the party, dancing around the room. About ten minutes later John had managed to kiss me until my lips turned blue, which kind of hurt, but it also added fuel to the fire.

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