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"Ah I see." I looked at papa and nodded, it appears my biological family was coming to visit. They do this every so often, as if to remind me that they exist. I suspected they would be coming more often as I approached by 18th birthday the inheritance my grandfather left me became more looming, he'd skipped over my biological father and in his will given his fortune to me when I became a legal adult. September 6th, 3 weeks, that's all I had left.

My biological family wanted the money, always have, even tried to debate my grandfather's will in court but failed. Thankfully my grandfather made it so that none of them could get their grubby hands on the money unless I was charitable once I turned 18, and, I won't be.

Every time they visit I put on false smiles and fake charming words tumble from my mouth easily, promises I don't intend to keep, and lies. Yes, lies.

"I'll come back to visit."
"I wish I could see you more often."
"Oh we're going to go on so many trips!"
"Oh yes I'll share the money with you."
"The money doesn't even interest me."
and the worst one...
"I love you too."

I sat on my bed and thought of what I was going to do, I knew I couldn't do this again. This would be the last time before I never had to see them again, I couldn't risk anything shifty from them until the money was legally all mine.

I rolled off of my bed onto the floor and put my hands against my eyes, sighing, I didn't want this. I don't want them, I don't like them, I don't want this, and I do not want them to be near my family. I don't even want to talk to them but I knew I had to, shit, tears. Tears were my enemy, they escaped more often now and it scared me. I knew one person who could help stop the tears and the panic I felt building up as I thought about the impending visit, I called that person.

"Sup honey?" I felt myself smile however small, pet names still make me feel mushy inside.

"Herc are you free to come over?" I asked as evenly as I could manage, staring at one spot on the ceiling to try and keep myself calm. If I could center myself on that spot then I would be okay for now.

"On my way." He then hung up and I closed my eyes.

The tears escaped quickly, leaving my eyes at a rapid speed. It felt weird to cry, I'd managed to keep all my emotions internalized for months on end but after Herc found out I just broke down often. It was embarrassing to say the least. I cried more often now, it made me feel weak though I don't know why.

I don't know when he got there but I was thankful when I found myself in Herc's caring arms, "Laffy, Laffy, what's wrong?" He asked with his arms securely around me, I felt safe. I always feel safe when Herc is holding me.

"M-My family is coming 'ere." I replied, putting my arms around him, my face fell somewhere in between his shoulder and neck though I don't know exactly where though I didn't care enough to find out.

"I'll fight them off!" Herc declared ever so valiantly.

I shook my head, "Non that would not work."

"I'll trigger them so much they run away?" Herc suggested in a child-like voice.

I chuckled and nodded, "Mhmm Herc I-sainte merde! that might work!" I was actually shocked when I realized this muself.

Herc pulled back a little, "Explain." He looked both confused and determined to pull this off.

"We must get mon papa in on this too." I said and grabbed his hand, running to find papa. I knew he'd support this, he always supports me.

A few hours later Herc was in an adjacent room to me, I sat across from my biological parents, holding their hands as if I was about to make an important or deep announcement. They probably think I'm about to tell them something regarding my massive inheritance. Oh boy are they not ready for this!

"Mom, Dad." They seemed to brighten up at those names as I tried not to cringe, I hated calling them mom and dad. We'd be speaking in French if papa wasn't here, as a courtesy we always spoke English in front of him; I didn't feel like telling them he was fluent in French, "I'd really like you to meet my boyfriend." Their faces dropped, did I mention that they're both homophobic? It's another reason that I hate them. "His name is Hercules-"

"-MULLIGAN I NEED NO INTRODUCTION!!" Herc shouted, scaring the shit out of everybody including me. My hand involuntarily flung over my heart, I could feel it racing.

"HERC!" I shouted, recovering. He wasn't supposed to jump in like that! He might actually give somebody a heart attack one day!

"Laf! My love, my life!" He ran over and hugged me. Then, he made a point to kiss me deeply. I responded of course, kissing back. Though I was probably the deepest shade of red that exist.

"Répugnant!" My 'father' shouted. I know his opinion doesn't mean jack shit but I still felt hurt by that comment, why do people have to be so hateful?

Papa stood up, "C'est naturel et normal." At least my actual father is so understanding and kind.

My biological parents were stunned for a moment before my 'father' said, "Tu parle français?" As if it wasn't obvious.

"Couramment." Papa replied. Papa looked both unamused, annoyed, and disappointed.

"Let's get out of here." Herc whispered, hoisting me up in his arms before I could respond and dashing out of the house.

"Where are we going?!" I watched as my house disappeared in the distance though I could hear shouting. I was honestly very shocked at how all of this panned out.



"To ride around in the parking lot on the shopping carts!"

Sounds like the perfect date actually.

When we got to the store Herc put me down, "What did they say?" He asked, looking around for the cart stall that they put in the parking lot for shoppers when they've loaded their stuff into their car.

"What? Who?" I had forgotten my parents in the excitement of this impromptu date and hasty escape from my house.

"The two bastards who made you." Herc replied, getting two carts from a stall and wheeled them over.

"Oh." I thought back, "They said we are disgusting." I felt the feeling from earlier come back again.

Herc cringed and looked over at me with concern, "It um..it doesn't affect you right? With your uh..your depression. What they say doesn't hurt, right?"

I smiled despite myself, he was so caring. I shook my head, "Non, well, yes, it 'urts, what they say. 'owever I know they are wrong. What we 'ave is too beautiful to be wrong." I took his hands and gave them a light squeeze.

Herc smiled and he leaned forward, I smiled and closed my eyes as he kissed my forehead and then I started laughing as he peppered my face with kisses, "Herc!"

He stopped, "I just wanted to hear you giggle." He said, a goofy smile on his face.

"I do not giggle." I replied with a huff.

"Do to!"

"Do not!"

"Do to!"

"Do not!"

This continued until he rode away on a cart yelling, "DO TOOOOOOO!!!" Like an absolute child.

I grabbed the other cart and rode after him, "I DO NOT!"

Too Young and Blind (High School Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now