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"John!" I shouted and he jumped. Haha...nerd.

"Dude I'm right next to you!" He exclaimed, "Don't yell!" He looked genuinely upset which made me want to laugh but I held it in.

I turned and hugged him tightly, "Yo, if you're ever hurtin' please tell me." I didn't want him to bottle himself up

"What?" He asked confused. I mean I guess this was slightly out of nowhere but it's still relevant, after all he's been through I just don't want him to ever fell like shit and then never tell me for whatever reason.

"Like..." I pulled back a little, "Like how Laf just shut everybody out..please don't do that to me. I'm here for you." I smiled as best I could, I'm also upset that I couldn't help Laf. Laf has helped me so much, so often, and with some of the worst things in my life too! But I couldn't help him when he was feeling so shitty...I don't want that to happen to John and me.

John shifted uncomfortably and then nodded, "I will, I promise." I held my pinkie up and he sighed, interlocking them, "I pinkie promise...nerd." We're so similar sometimes that it's funny.

"Now that that's out of the way, season 4 of Sherlock is on Netflix." I said and he perked up instantly.

"FINALLY!!" We grabbed Rebel and ran downstairs with him. We will be the best parents, making sure our children don't miss their nerdy shows and keeping them updated on them.

We settled onto the couch, Herc and Laf had gone to Herc's place awhile ago because Herc thought Laf needed a change of scenery and I wholeheartedly agreed with him. John turned Sherlock on and I focused on that. We didn't know what we were in for but let me tell you, I'm still fucked up over the finale.


"Nate what the fuck?!" I got up quickly, "How'd they find out?!" I pulled on my hair and then dropped my hands so they hit against my thighs, this was going to be fucking horrid.

"I don't know!" Nate ran a hand through his hair, and then put them over his face to cover it.

I stood up, this was probably the worst day of my life. My very religiously homophobic parents just found about my lesbianism. I started pacing until I heard the door from upstairs open and feet stomping down the stairs, I looked to Nate in fear and he silently shoved me under his bed where I scrambled until I was against the wall and away from the opening-at least our parents were too old to bend down to this level and too stupid to guess I'd hide under here.

"Nathaniel." I cringed at my father's voice, it was so crackly and usually only spoke when he was about to spew hate.

"Yes?" Nate asked, I could tell he was nervous. He won't out my, my precious brother, but he's such a good person that he hates to lie and he's usually terrible at it.

"Where's your sister?" This time it was mother, ironically her voice was sweet, gentle, and compassionate but it was none of those as she was a hateful woman.

"She uh..." I held my breath, come on Nate, "Went out with friends." That sounded believable...but what about his face?

"And she didn't tell us?!" Mother ranted, I never tell them though? Honestly they never care enough either, usually they ignore Nate and my's existence. They only care about us when they want to show us off or want to be the hateful people that they are.

"I guess not?" Now he's reaching for things to say, poor Nate. I hate putting him on the spot like this but I can't do this alone.

They exchanged a few more things, Nate struggling and them getting more aggressive until they stormed off muttering angrily. I peeked out to see only Nate left and crawled out, "Seems I've lived another day." I joked.

Too Young and Blind (High School Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now