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"Bye mom!" I shouted, grabbing my backpack and pecking picture mom's cheek, "I'm off to school!" I hopped down the stairs and met Peter at the door.

As we got into the car Peter asked, "How do you plan to get your schedule back?"

"I'll just find Peggy," I replied, "And I remember where my first class is anyway, I'm sure Hercules can help me out."

"Hercules?" Peter asked.

That's when I remembered I hadn't told him about my friends, "Hercules is in almost all of my classes," I explained, "He's my friend." Peter nodded.

The rest of the ride was in silence again, when we got to the school and I unbuckled, Peter grabbed my arm when I was about to get out. I turned to look at him, he smiled, "Have a great day at school," He put something in my hand and I looked to see a phone. I've never even held a phone before! "My number's already in it, so is your dad's and our work phones," I hugged Peter from across the armrest.

"You're the best!" I smiled, Peter hugged me back.

"Go find that Peggy girl," Peter said, nudging me. I laughed and grabbed my backpack, I put the phone in my pocket and got out of the car.

"Alex!" I turned to see Peggy, she was running from what looked like a Lamborghini, I can't really tell cars apart like other people can. They're all cars. I ran to meet Peggy halfway, she was waving my yellow schedule frantically, I noticed two other girls with Peggy once I'd reached her.

"Thanks, Pegs," I told her, taking my schedule, "I thought I'd have to follow Herc the whole day," Peggy laughed and I looked over the other two girls suspiciously.

"Is this your friend?" One of the girls asked, she was wearing a pink dress.

"Oh, yeah!" Peggy turned around and introduced me to her sisters, Angelica and Elizabeth.

"You can call me Eliza," The girl in the blue dress quickly said.

"Angie is fine, but you can call me Angelica too," The one in pink said.

"I go by Alex," I said. Angelica took my schedule from me and looked it over, she put on glasses when she looked at the paper.

"We don't have anything together after lunch except drama," She said, "But we have morning classes together." I smiled at her, she seemed nice.

"We have a lot together," Eliza said, she was looking over my schedule too, "I'm not taking gym though, and when you have debate I'm in choir."

"Nice!" I said. I was glad I'd be having familiar faces with me, though I was nervous about debate because so far only Peggy would be in there with me.

"So I hear you punched Thomas Jefferson," Angelica said. Nervously I looked at Peggy, was he the guy I punched yesterday?

"It was epic!" Peggy gushed, I felt my cheeks heat up as the Schuyler sisters started throwing questions about me and how it felt to punch Jefferson.

When the bell rang, I walked with them to our math class where Peggy said goodbye and headed to her science classroom. I walked in and my eyes met with the cutest boy I've ever seen in my whole life, her was talking to Herc so I couldn't see his eyes properly, though yesterday I'd seen the deepest brown eyes ever. Freckles adorned his face and his hair was pulled into a ponytail, the curls bouncing every time his head moved.

"Hey John, Herc you actually came to class," Angelica said, she went to the desk she and Eliza shared which was right in front of John's.

"Yeah, it's Alex's first day," Herc said. He nodded his head towards me and John turned to me with a smile set on his face, I think I'm in love with those eyes.

Too Young and Blind (High School Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now