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Stop laughing!

The writing on the board only made me laugh harder, Peggy was on the floor in giggles.

It's not funny!

"Th-Then why are we laughing!?" Peggy cried and tried to recover.

I shook my head and composed myself after a few attempts that failed, "You of all people lost your voice?" I asked, Angelica nodded, it almost made me start to laugh again. She had managed to lose her voice! My sister is many things but silent is not one!

"Imagine if it was Alex!" Peggy said, still on the floor.

"He would die!" I responded.

Angelica rolled her eyes and I finally went and got mom to come and see what was wrong with Angelica. A few minutes later mom put some type of honey drink in Angelica's hands and said, "You've been overexerting your voice and not preserving it," Angelica gave a confused look and mom sighed, "When you sing you sing beautifully but over time you've begun to damage your voice."

When will it come back?

Mom smiled, "When it wants to, I don't have all the answers," With that she got up and left, which would seem rude if I hadn't pulled her away from her prayer time which she had a solid schedule for.


Eliza had already told the group chat what had happened and there was a mixture of 'is she alright' and teasing going on. I just sort of ignored it, I hated this. Talking and singing were a must for me and now I couldn't do either. I emailed my choir teacher, she asked me if it hurt while I was singing and I said yes, she told me that it shouldn't hurt to sing; guess mom was right. I spent the day lounging about and trying to drag Sunday out but soon enough it was Monday and I had to drag my basically mute self to school.

I carried the small whiteboard with me and followed Eliza and Peggy into the school building, keeping my posture as proud as I could will it. It didn't matter, as soon as we were spotted our group of friends was teasing me endlessly.

"Angelica remind me what we're looking for!" Herc shouted.

"Oh wait!" John said and grabbed his throat dramatically. I punched Herc in the arm and raised my fist threateningly at John, I could never hit him though because he's a smol bean, John flinched anyway and that was the aim of the game.

Victoria giggled and said, "Did you trade your voice away?"

"Nobody watched Disney anymore," Nate said and rolled his eyes.

Disney movies are the shit

Victoria stuck her tongue out at Nate, he pinched her, soon the two were play fighting.

"Immature as always, no?" Laf asked as he and Alex joined the group. Victoria pinched him and he joined in their little fight.

"The French are invading!" Nate yelled as he fell to the ground dramatically, Victoria held him close to up the drama as he spoke his 'last words' in a whisper, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country," He then 'died' in Victoria's arms while she cried.

"Oh look," I cringed at Thomas Jefferson's voice, "They're finally in the ground where they belong." The Hale twins shot up in an instant and fixed Thomas with a fierce glare. I felt guilt wash over me and Thomas glanced at him, I narrowed my eyes warning him to keep our secret. You see, Thomas and I had many casual hook ups, we aren't an item and never will be and it has to be a secret, but it's great fun. He wouldn't risk it is what I decided, he enjoyed the hook ups too as there were no strings attached unlike his other partners.

"My brother doesn't belong on the ground!" Victoria yelled at the same time as Nate said, "My sister doesn't belong on the ground!" The two have a psychic connection, I swear.

"Sure honey," Thomas flipped his hair and walked away, I followed him with my eyes, he had gone straight to James Madison, typical.

"What a dick," Victoria huffed, Nate nodded in agreement. It's almost funny that the biggest douche in the school is the only thing they agree on 100%.

The bell rang and I hooked arms with Eliza as we both went to Miss. Olsen's room, she chatted the whole time and asked me yes or no questions that I was glad to answer without my board.

"Tori told me to give you this," Nate said and gave me whatever it is Victoria had handed over. I took it and flipped it over, it was a note card that read 'Ursula the Sea Witch stole my voice!' I chuckled silently. Nate once told me Victoria is obsessed with The Little Mermaid but I didn't think he was serious. Whatever the case I decided to show each teacher the note card to explain why I have the board.

School was pretty boring but while at my locker I noticed a piece of paper in my jacket pocket that wasn't there before, it had writing on it. I identified the writing as Thomas's and it was basically a booty call, he said he had the school library to himself as he was a library aid and didn't want to get bored.

I rolled my eyes but decided what the heck, I had nothing to do, might as well.

I'll be late coming home I'm going to study

I showed Eliza the board and she smiled, "I'll let daddy know." She gave me a quick hug and hurried off. I waited a few minutes before heading to the library, excitement boiling in my stomach.

James Madison

"Peggy nuuu," I whined, this girl was going to kill me.

Peggy leaned back in her chair, "You two would be so fucking cute together," She said, taking a sip of the coffee we had bought.

The two of us, Peggy and me, had decided to meet up at Starbucks today. She was always there for me, she's also the only person who knew my most well guarded secrets besides my absolutely hopeless crush on Thomas.

"Homophobic," I said and looked out the window.

"Homophobia doesn't exist," Peggy stated and I turned back to stare at her, "You aren't scared so it isn't a phobia, you're just an asshole."

"I agree," I said and we clinked out coffee cups together and laughed.

"And you aren't gay because you aren't a boy," I shook my head at her again.

"Thomas doesn't and can't know that," I told her.

See, I've always thought something was wrong with me, something I couldn't change. Middle school is where I realized I wasn't a boy and that I was trapped inside a boy's body, but really, I'm a girl. I met Peggy when I became a freshman after I had befriended Angelica, she introduced us, Peggy and I have been best friends ever since.

"So Jane," She smiled at how excited I got at the nickname, "Wanna go get pedicures? And manicures? And if anybody questions it just say you're my brother and it's from a bet."

I nodded and helped her up heading to the mall together. Of all the things in my life that I'm glad I did, I'm most thankful for confiding in Peggy, she's a good listener and knows just how to make you feel better.

Too Young and Blind (High School Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now