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I sat in the audience with Peggy, Theodosia, and Aaron, we were waiting to see our friends fly across the stage doing what they love and what they feel so passionately about. I'd tried not to watch the rehearsals though I did listen in to the music as I wrote out the outline for my musical, In the Heights, my friends are just so talented!

Mrs Johnson came out and told everybody to turn their electronics off in the audience, to not be loud, and basically, she just reiterated what everybody should already know about theater etiquette. I sort of tuned her out because I already knew all of this, I held the Playbill tightly so I didn't lose it-I wanted to keep it forever! John's first school production, and his last from what he's told me.

The play started, the grin on my face probably grew ten fold when I saw him. My John, though his freckles were painted over and his hair was pulled into a bald cap so he could be a skeleton, he was still my beautiful John though. His voice...melodic! He really is the Pumpkin King, not only that, he's my king too. He's just sweet and caring, nice and generous, adorable and vulnerable. Jesus Alexander, you're making him sound like Air Supply.

Victoria and Eliza also gave stellar performances, Eliza's voice was just perfect. There's no other way to describe it. Tori always sounded exactly like her character would in her emotions or lack thereof, always disapproving and disappointed while also sucking up to and loving Jack as King. Though Tori's mayor role was pretty small compared to John and Eliza as Jack and Sally, she still managed to leave an impression though with her theatrics and powerful voice.

I couldn't help but bob along when John delivered what was the best version of What's This that I've ever heard. I'm in love with his goddamn voice, so perfect! He fluctuated his notes on key and on cue flawlessly. God, I could go on, his voice has such a beautiful range from deep notes to high cords.

I didn't really catch most of the rest of the play because I was too busy just watching John but it's fine, I already know the entire plot of the play anyway, I just like John more than I like theater and that's saying something. Or is it? The entire world already knows how much I love my adorable cutie so it's nothing new.

After awhile I had to crushed the jealousy that tried to ride up when Sally and Jack got together, it's just a play after all. It's just a play, it's not like they actually like each other so that's that. I don't want to seem like an overbearing boyfriend or anything I just don't like John portraying affection with another person...but it's not real so it's fine. I just want to be the only person he does that with...

Anyway, the play ended soon after though I only noticed when everybody began clapping. I was determined to be the one who claps the most because that's my boyfriend up there. Quickly, I jumped up and began hollering while clapping until I found my height hid me. So, when the cast went to bow I jumped up onto my chair and started shrieking! I was going to be the loudest!

I think I was the loudest, as soon as I began shrieking John spotted me and started laughing so ha! I made my way backstage once the house lights came on, Peggy shoved a bouquet of roses in my arms so I ran those to John.

"Jack!" I yelled once I spotted him. John turned around and giggled like the cutie he is when he saw me, I quickly ran over and hugged him before placing the roses in his arms, "Good job, babe." I said and kissed his cheek, glad they properly sealed the body paint so it didn't come off upon contact because I don't want white lips. I get some people are into a bold lip but not me.

"Help me get this off?" He asked and gestured to his costume, "I-I mean not in a-I just-it's tight and-don't-I uh..." I started laughed at his awkwardness and ushered him into a random changing room to help him get his costume off.

Eventually, John was back in his street clothes and we'd gone home, Halloween was tomorrow! I think Tori was planning a party but I don't really know. I'm going as Batman! John tried to be a tampon but we basically screamed at him until he caved and decided to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

Speaking of turtles, I realized I should go check on Rebel. I hurried upstairs to see John inside the tank! "John?! What the fuck?!" I laughed at him, he was eyeballing Rebel while looking absolutely fascinated.

"Turtle..." John replied quietly without moving his eyes. This boy, I swear. I hurried over and lifted him out of the tank while shaking my head in disbelief, carrying him to his bathroom.

"Take a shower before you get sick, weirdo," I said and found a towel for him, putting it on the holder attached to the wall. John whined but I rolled my eyes and told him he had to over and over until he quit his whining.

I sat on the floor, letting Rebel crawl around slowly as I cleaned out his cage in case John's sitting in it had dirtied it. I was sure John would do it once he finished his shower but I decided to do it for him so we could cuddle as soon as he was done. I'm so proud of him, he worked so hard to give such an amazing performance and didn't give up, even when he was cast as an understudy. He's just amazing and deserves to be proud of himself, I want him to feel as proud of himself as I am of him.

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