Pure Love

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Trigger Warning: Depression


I called Herc, sitting on John's bed with him holding my free hand. He picked up with his usual "Heya!" He wasn't going to be that chipper when I told him what I was almost certain about.

I squeezed John's hand, "Hercules you need to come over right now this is serious." I said quickly, if I didn't say it now then I'd lose the confidence.

"What? I'm out the door but what'd'yah mean? What's wrong? Who's hurt?" He already sounded worried and he didn't even know what has happened, what is happening, he really is such a nice guy.

I looked at John and he squeezed my hand as I'd done earlier. I managed a weak smile for John and then turned back to the conversation, "It's Laf-"

"-WHAT?! IS HE OKAY?!?!" I pulled the phone away from my ear at the volume of his voice. How did he manage to get so loud over a phone call?

"Calm down, Herc, calm down." I said quickly, "I think...I think he's depressed." I didn't like assuming things, especially things this serious, but I'd seen enough and I really do think Laf is depressed.

"Oh God." Herc hung up and a few minutes later the doorbell went off at a rapid speed. John and I ran to the door just as father opened it. Herc ran in and seized me by the shoulders before anybody could react, "Where's Laf?!" He asked frantically.

I pointed up the stairs towards Laf's room, Herc was gone the second I'd pointed.


I stared at the ceiling, it was a nice ceiling I think. I didn't exactly know what made a ceiling nice really. The design above me was bland, pretty, but overused. A white ceiling with white raised lines on it for a pattern is everywhere. I've seen this design in almost every private dwelling I've been in, can't they think of a different pattern? It's so boring. I could hear talking but it's far away and I didn't care to listen in. I won-

"LAF?!" I sat up as Herc came crashing into my room, falling over a pile of clothes. Why was he here?!

"H-Hercules?! Que fais-tu ici?"

"I don't speak angel." Herc mumbled and got up from the floor and ran over, pulling me to him tightly. For now I ignored that.

"Quelle?!" I hugged back, I mean, I'd never refuse a hug from mon amour. But I am still confused, why is he here?

Herc held onto me tighter and I grew more confused, "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked quietly.

"T-Tell you?" I repeated, even more confused. I'm using confused too much...what's a word that means confused? I can't think of any besides confus but that's just taking the last letter off which changes the language.

I felt him put a hand over my hair ponytail, it felt weird, "Let me help you." He said into my hair.

I pulled back and looked at him even more con...puzzled, "Herc, mon ange, what are you talking about?" I was concerned, what has he found out now?

"Laf..." He gestured to the room and I looked too and then I looked down, he knew, "I want to help but there's nobody who can help you more than yourself. I..." He put a hand on one of my cheeks and made me look up. Guiltily, I met his eyes, "I love you, I love you so very much. Whenever you feel like this, whenever you feel..feel depressed, please come to me. I'll be here, I'll always be here. Nothing you do or say or feel can ever make me angry, nothing you do or say or feel can ever make me upset, nothing you do or say or feel can ever make me love you less."

I bit my lip, it helped, and I felt something fall down my face...were these tears? When was the last time I cried? I can't help it but Herc just pulled me closer and I sobbed into his shoulder and held onto his coat, letting myself become undone.

A few minutes, or was it hours? I couldn't tell anymore but I felt myself slowly stop crying and Herc moved his thumb over my cheeks until they were as dry as they were going to get, "Je t'aime, Hercules. Si vous me quittez, priez pour mon âme."

"I still don't speak angel." Herc replied and I blushed, he's such a sweetie.

I translated, "I love you, Hercules. If you leave me, pray for my soul." This was the truth, if I didn't have Hercules...then I'd probably already be dead.

Herc grinned and I wanted to kiss him, to lean in and kiss him, but now was not the time and I knew that. He got up and I was confused, watching him curiously, jumping up as he began to pick up my laundry.

"Herc you don't h-"

"-No, don't." He pushed me back onto the bed despite my weak struggling to stop him, "Rest, Laf. You need love and care and affection. Rest up, my dear, I'll be here when you wake up." I tried to sit up but he just pushed me onto the bed again, to my surprise, there wasn't any annoyance in his eyes. Herc just bundled me into the blanket and turned back to clean my mess.

I watched Herc clean my room for awhile until I felt my eyelids grew heavier and heavier until they closed and didn't reopen for hours.

When I did wake back up I saw Herc gazing down at me, his hands curled around a strand of my hair, "Bonne nuit.." I put my palms over my eyes and rubbed the sleep from them.

"It's only noon, Laffy." He chuckled and put an arm under my knees and the other around my shoulders, "Let's go watch Doctor Who in the living room." He suggested, that sounded like the best decision right now.

"The Doctor is now a girl, no?" I asked, remembering somebody say something about it earlier...who was it? Doesn't matter, something about a girl doctor which made me excited because representation.

"Yes, The Doctor is now a girl." Herc replied and sat down on the couch while still holding me.

"Yay...lay down." I was still a bit tired but I knew I wanted cuddles. Cuddling will scientifically make you feel better even if only by a little bit. Also I just really wanted cuddles.

Herc chuckled and moved until he was laying down with me on top of him, "Where are we now?" He asked as he went through Amazon to the show.

"Series 8...Capaldi." I replied quietly and watched as he put on the first episode of series 8, the London dinosaur one.


I looked down at Laf to see he'd wrapped his arms around me, he'd always called me a teddy bear, guess that's what he was using me as-not that I'd complain. I'd happily be Laf's teddy bear. I ran my hands down his back and then let one of them drift over the edge of the couch, keeping one on him though and turning to see The Doctor say goodbye to Robin Hood after sending a sheriff's ship into space with gold and saving the Earth and sword fighting with a spoon...Doctor Who really is lit.

I turned it off so we wouldn't miss anything else and looked at Laf, my Laf, he had felt so bad for so long and I didn't notice. He was in my arms, cuddled against me, safe. I was afraid though, I already knew, that if I wasn't there for him the next time he wouldn't be safe and that...that is properly terrifying. My plan? Visit him every day and look after him and make him feel wanted, that's what my Laffy needs so that's what my Laffy is going to get.

And if anybody hurts my Laffy
I'll make them really fucking sorry.

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