Just Get the Courage

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I called everybody I knew, just trying my damned hardest to save John from whatever it was, probably his Father. I just...I can't sit by and do nothing! Everybody's shrugging and saying 'I don't know's but I can't settle for that when my John is in danger!

"Hello?" Nathan's voice rang through the phone, finally, I'd called him about six times now.

"Nate!" I sighed in relief and also annoyance at how long it took for him to answer his damn phone, "Do you know where John lives?" I asked.

"What? No I don't I-HEY GIVE THAT BACK!"

"Hello?" Came Victoria's voice.

I laughed despite myself, I could hear Nate hitting something in the background while yelling things I couldn't understand, I guess she locked herself in a room with the phone, "Hey Tori. Do you know where John lives?"

"Nope." She popped the 'p', "But I can find out."

I sighed again but this time in disappointment, "No we alr-"

"-Already hacked into the school's system?" She interrupted sarcastically, I could mentally see her roll her eyes.

"What?!" This catching the attention of Laf who sat next to me in my room, we were home alone so he decided to hang out with me as we tried to find a way to save John.

"I mean I haven't done it since 5th grade but I'm sure I can do it." She said, in the most bored tone ever.

"You did whAT?!"

"Yeah, you haven't heard about it? It's still like a huge inside joke at school." She giggled for a moment, "I changed all of the student profile pictures on their online accounts. I changed mine too though but I laughed when the classes were questioned so everybody knew it was me."

"Victoria...you are a wonder, that's for sure." I shook my head, "Call me when you find out what you know."

"Okay I will-Oh my GOD Nathan STOP bitching it's not even your phone!" Then the line went dead and I started laughing.

"Quoi?" Laf still looked confused, "What was all of that?"

"Siblings are weird. They'd kill to be together and then act like they hate each other." I replied and Laf laughed with a nod, "Anyway Tori's going to hack into the school system to find out where John lives."

"Oui that does sound like her." Laf said, nodding and leaning back down onto my bed.


I paced the room with Tori as she typed on her computer doing whatever, I assume she's writing an essay or something, "Adri told me he has a crush on me too but I mean what if she's wrong?"

"Just ask him." Was her simple reply, not even looking up at me, as if I could just ask him if he likes me!

"But if he doesn't I've ruined out friendship!" I cried, twisting the rag that was in my hand.

Tori looked up finally, "Oh my God Theo! He never takes his eyes off of you go and ask that bitch out!" Then she went back to typing.

I huffed, "But what if-" Then I got hit by a pillow. I picked it up and sat next to her, putting the pillow where it goes and looked over her shoulder, "I thought you were over this." She was hacking into the school network.

"You thought." She replied, God she's such a meme.


The next day I got a text from Victoria, it was an address.

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