Lams is a Go

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I woke up first and I stared at the freckled angel holding me, he was perfect in every way. I just hope that he remembers last night or this is going to be one hell of a wake up call. John slowly blinked his eyes open and I grinned up at him as he yawned.

"Alex?" Shit did he not remember? "So it wasn't a dream..." Oh thank God.

I grinned, "No, wasn't a dream."

John's face broke out into a smile that could outdo the sun, "Alex! I love you!" He said and pulled me into a hug.

I laughed at his antics and let him pepper my face in kisses before I told him that I love him too. John's grin became larger (if even possible) and he dragged me downstairs chanting that he loves me more than turtles, in the process he woke up Nathan and Victoria who had taken over the couch instead of one of the many rooms for some reason, as well as everybody else in the house. I'm just thankful what Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler decided to leave the house for the party.

"It's only eight!" Whined Peggy, she emerged from one of the larger rooms in the house wearing bunny slippers and a baby-doll style nightgown that barely covered her underwear, her hair everywhere.

Eliza came skipping from her room fully dressed, shorts and a buttoned down shirt that was tucked in, "I thought you guys would never wake up!"

Angelica was wearing a red night gown that went to her knees, but the rest of us were in the clothes we arrived in since we hadn't originally planned on sleeping over. We all gathered in the dining room while the Schuyler's live in staff prepared us breakfast. Most of the group was half awake, Eliza, however, was texting and wide awake, and Theodosia looked graceful despite having just woken up.

"What're we eating?" Victoria asked after a few moments of silence.

Peggy shrugged as an answer and let her head hit the table in tiredness. Soon pancakes found their way to the table and everybody had at least two.

"So...are you two together?" Aaron asked to John and I.

I looked to John, wanting him to answer as he was drunk last night. I was surprised when he pushed me off of him and gave me some well thought out reasons for us to just go to sleep, John was a responsible drunk person.

"Are we?" John asked me and I smiled at him, nuzzling his nose, John laughed and said, "Guess we are."

"YES!!" Theodosia cheered, shocking us all into wakefulness, staring at her, she raised an eyebrow, "What? It's my OTP."

"Same," Victoria said, eating another pancake.

Lafayette's phone dinged and he looked at it, "Dad wants us home, Alex." He said.

"He's not my dad," I stated, not moving from where I was in John's embrace.

Lafayette groaned and forced John away from me, he picked me up and we were on our way. I waved at the group, I decided not to fight Lafayette and got into the car that pulled up. Lafayette made sure I buckled which had me sticking my tongue out at him.

"Alex, you're a child," Laf said and I mocked offence, "It's okay. You're my child, bad phrasing, you're my little brother." I rolled my eyes, Laf had been trying to get me to see George Washington as a father figure since I moved in with him.

"Facebook official," Laf said as his phone dinged again.

"What's Facebook official?" I asked, leaning over to look at his phone, "Wait what?" I took his phone and looked to see John had made it official that we are dating.

"You didn't want John to post that?" Laf asked as I handed his phone back.

"I don't mind," I said, "I'm just surprised that John would post about it so quickly." That wasn't a complete lie; John seemed like a reserved guy so this kind of shocked me. But mostly I was concerned with how Mr. Laurens would react, John's dad isn't the most respectful of sexuality in the world. I don't think John remembered him telling me all of his problems with his dad, but I'm glad he did. He told me to keep this relationship a secret outside of our friend group but he just posted about it on Facebook. My phone then dinged and I looked to see John had messaged the group chat.

TurtleBoi: So I made my Facebook private and then made a different Facebook for my dad to think I only have that one, make sense?

Ah, that explains it. I was really concerned for a moment there, but maybe John didn't remember all that he told me about his father so he didn't feel the need to tell me immediately about making his Facebook private? Not that he has to tell me things immediately or anything I just...was worried is all.

We pulled up to Washington's estate and climbed from the car, going inside. "Welcome home, boys," Mr. Washington said from the parlor room which was also the room I met him in. We entered the parlor to see him playing chess with


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