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I am crying. Why am I crying might you ask? Well, I've been watching Thomas Sanders and I am all for this whole Creativity and Anxiety personas being together, and of course being attached to a character that represents something like anxiety is risky as all hell, I really should've expected this, but I didn't. Seeing Prince (Creativity) give Anxiety a really rousing speech of acceptance.

And now I'm crying.

I mean, it wasn't just Prince accepting Anxiety, all the sides doing it is really what was getting to me but considering I ship Prince and Anxiety, it was worse. I really like it when my ships have a moment, okay? Plus, Anxiety is like really cool and caring, he doesn't deserve all of this negativity when he's just trying to protect everybody. He's really just a caring dude and I love him, I love my dark strange son.

"Alexander." I looked up in the middle of my emotions at John who had entered my room, "I have made a mistake." My eyes found the hair dryer in his hand and I burst out laughing despite my tears, his hair was probably best described as a lion's mane.

"What have you done?" I asked and wiped the tears away while laughing, pausing the video right before I was going to finally find out Anxiety's name. I got up and went to him, poking his curls which just caused them to bounce before settling down again.

"Just help!" John cried and pouted as I just kept poking his hair, "Tori dumped water on me and I tried to use the hair dryer for the first time cuz why do I own something that I don't use? And I just found out why I don't use it." I poked his hair again and he smacked my hand away, "This is serious!" I laughed again and then looked up how to fix his hair on my phone while he continued to whine in the background about how unfair life is and how much he hates his life.

I took his hand and lead him to the bathroom, "Come on." I sat him in front of the bath and tilted his head so his hair hung over into the tub. He looked confused but stayed silent, I turned the shower head on and began soaking his hair. I combed through his hair as I soaked it while adding my sulphate-free, glycerin-packed shampoo-basically, anti-frizz shampoo. I sat him up when I was finished, "Let it air dry, babe."

John nodded, "Thank yoooouuuuuu!" He kissed my cheek and I grinned, "Love yoooouuuuuu!" I kissed him and he kissed back, our lips have always been like clay, perfectly molded to each other. I felt a bit more adventurous than usual though so I bit his lip lightly. John looked at me, surprised for a moment, before we both started laughing, "I love you, Alexander Hamilton." He said after a moment.

"And I love you, John soon-to-be Hamilton," I replied and kissed his cheek, happily imagining what the day would be like when I changed his last name to mine. I can't wait for that day because after that we'll start having children with the same last name.

John blushed heavily and replied with, "I don't know what I'd do without you." He ran a hand through his hair for a moment before smiling and hugging me, I hugged him back tightly and resting my chin on his head. "Hey Alex, I was thinking about going to a restaurant. Just the two of us."

"What?" I then registered what he said and nodded, "Yeah we can do that. I just gotta take a shower." I really didn't keep up with personal hygiene unless we were going somewhere. Not because I was lazy or anything, I just have more important things to do, like write and read and love on John.

"An hour?" John asked, looking up at me with his beautiful big brown eyes. His eyes were really just pools of deep chocolate. I never understood why people hate on brown eyes, they really aren't boring. Have you ever seen brown eyes when they catch the sun and turn a beautiful honey color? Have you ever seen brown eyes they're in a dimly lit room causing them to be dark orbs? Have you ever seen brown eyes when they light up with an idea or with happiness? Brown eyes are just as attractive as any other eye color, and when they're on John, they're the most attractive eye color. I love John and I love his eyes that I love to get lost in.

Quickly I took a shower, extremely hot as always because that's how I live. Then...I sat on my bed in a towel to keep watching Sanders Sides. You could say I'm addicted, I really like Morality but Anxiety is pretty cool too. I could be the Prince to John's Anxiety.

"Alex!" I jumped and looked at John, fully dressed, as he entered my room, "Come on! We're gonna be late!" He whined and bounced from one foot to the other before he put his hands on his hips. At least his hair had tried right, it was even in a ponytail again which was impossible earlier due to the frizz.

"I just need to put my shoes on..." I replied and turned back to my phone as they all became cartoons. It was awesome, one whole minute of cartoon Sanders Sides. I accidentally tuned John out so I could focus on the video until John took my phone.

"Now, Alexander." He said in his teacher-like voice. I groaned and got up, going through my closet to get dressed. This Thomas Sanders obsession is really going to take over my life, I can feel it, pray for me.

Too Young and Blind (High School Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now