So I Punched Him Again

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"Okay so John." Alex opened the book, "Geometry isn't that hard." If he had started this with literally any other sentence then I might actually take this serious.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my ankles because crossing your legs is actually not healthy but I still have the urge to cross something, "For you. I can't do this shit, babe." Math just didn't come naturally to me.

"Well you're pretty good at the Pythagorean Theorem." Alex said, finding the lesson in the book that we had to study.

"It isn't hard to remember something that you can make a rhyme out of." I responded, humming the rhyme I'd made up for thePythagorean Theorem. I find it easier to memorize things that have lyrics which is why I can memorize hundreds songs but not learn formulas.

"O-Oh! Wait right here, let me go grab a thesaurus and I can make a rhyme out of all of this!" Alex then ran off down a random row of books. He's so helpful, I love him.

Alex found out about my Geometry grade dropping and decided to tutor me himself because he thinks (and is probably right) that he's a genius. So, here we are, in the library during our actual math class hour. Alex had managed to get his hands on a tutor slip that allowed us to leave class and come to the library to work on classwork.

I put my head on the desk and closed my eyes as I waited for my stupidly cute boyfriend to come back, he was so creative. I loved that about Alex, he always managed to come up with new and fun ways to do things. I wish teachers would find ways to teach and do things like Alex does, I'd be way more excited to learn. I mean, they don't always work out, like that time he put the toaster on it's side and put cheese on one side of his bread before putting it into the toaster; it worked, the cheese melted onto the toast, and then the toast popped out causing the food to go everywhere. That was one grilled cheese I was fine with not getting to eat, I was too busy laughing as Alex cleaned up melted cheese from the floor.

I sat up properly when I heard footsteps and turned to see Thomas motherfucking Jefferson, "Um hi?" I was confused to say the least, why the hell was he coming up to me of all people in the library of all places?

"Hey there freckled cutie h-" Whatever he was going to say was cut off by Alexander running over and punching him across the face. Wasn't he like homophobic though?!

I got up from my seat, "Whoa what the hell?!" I got in between the two before Thomas could wind back again, "Y'all need to chill!" I pushed Thomas and Alex away from each other, knowing that they'd start fighting like children.

"I was chill!" Thomas replied, ignoring the librarian telling us to quiet down. Anytime he's around, nothing is chill nor is it quiet.

"John is my boyfriend!" Alex yelled back, also ignoring the librarian and also pulling me to his chest even though I tried to stay between him and Thomas to stop any physical fighting.

"I wasn't saying he isn't!" Thomas shouted and I grew nervous, not wanting the librarian to kick Alex and I out over noise. I really did want to get this geometry credit to pass this grade even though I hate math, I need Alex to pass though.

"If you're going to argue do it quietly, please." I spoke up, making sure my voice wasn't raised to their level but being certain that it was heard.

"Course baby." Alex lowered his voice but I could tell he was glared at Thomas, "Stay away from my boyfriend." He hissed.

"Suck my dick, Alexander." Thomas replied with an eye roll, crossing his arms.

"That's gay." Somebody said, we turned to see Laf standing their, he emanated only confidence.

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