Old Box

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I was driving Laf and me to my new store, that's right, a store! I've just opened a fabrics store which will also sell clothing made by me! I've been saving up for years to buy it myself, Laf kept offering to pay, but I wanted to work for it and well...it was worth it! I'd dropped the boxes off that I needed unpacked yesterday, Laf offered to help, so now we're heading there now to set up the store.

As I came to an intersection I heard Laf gasp causing me to grow concerned, "What? What happened?!" I asked, still concerned as hell but keeping my eyes on the road because I really didn't want to crash, especially with Laf in the car.

"That chien is so duveteux...." Laf mumbled, I had hit the breaks as the light was red and looked to Laf in complete disbelief. All I saw was a fluffy ball because he was staring out of his window, hands on the glass, totally enthralled in what looked like a husky.

"I thought something dangerous had happened!" I yelled, angrily hitting the gas as the light turned green. I wasn't angry, just slightly annoyed. I get it, dogs, I love dogs, but not in a car, man!

"Nah..." Laf chuckled in his deep way, "Just a cool dog." He hadn't turned back and even turned in his seat to watch the dog disappear into the distance as we drove off.

I sighed, "Laffy. You're going to be the death of me." Laf only laughed and leaned over, pecking my cheek which caused me to involuntarily blush.

"Well," Laf began as I parked, I turned my head to look at him and raised an eyebrow, "Until death do us part." He held up his hand which had the ring and I knew I was a red mess. I'd taken such care in our rings, Laf's ring had a sapphire gem in the middle, his birth stone, and canons eccentricity decorating the silver which held it in place, as well as stars and flowers.

In comparison to Laf's, my ring was pretty bland, but it's the symbolism that matters not the decor. My ring also had a sapphire as it was also my birth stone but the gem was much smaller and only sat on a thin silver strip that just went around my whole of my finger. It's fine though, Laf again offered to buy a bigger ring but I've grown attached to my quaint one.

"Let us get inside!" Laf said, hopping out of the car and shivering instantly, "I forgot!" He reached in until his hands found his coat and pulled it out and then around himself. I laughed and made sure to put mine on before following him to the shop door, pulling my key out and opening. "Smells like dust!" Laf yelled as he ran inside before promptly tripping over a box which caused the contents to spill out, "Ah! Je suis tombé!"

I laughed harder than what was probably necessary and knelt beside him, setting the box upright and helping Laf up so he was sitting up. "Let's clear out this old box," I said and Laf cheered at the thought, I pulled out an old stuffed animal of mine and smiled at it, remembering how I used to drag it everywhere with me. I hadn't seen this thing in years! His name was Emilia.

Laf pulled a tube of something out of the box and I looked at it curiously, "Is really old chapstick okay to use?" He asked and I went to tell him that I didn't know but he simply applied it with a, "Too late." He said and then leaned over and kissed me, I kissed back eagerly because kissing Laf was always a positive boost to my day. When he pulled back he giggled, ah he's so hot, "If it's gone bad at least we'll go down together!"

I shoved him lightly and laughed, "Jerk!" Laf put a hand over his heart in mock offense and then laughed.

"Oh mon cher, je suis vraiment désolé." I understood enough of that from what I'd picked up over the years to understand he was 'apologizing'. I only shook my head and shoved him again, "Impoli!" Laf shouted and then popped back up to look inside the box again, "Is this a...how you say? Le Pik-non, Pikachu?" He asked and pulled the plushie from the box.

I nodded and looked at the age-worn stuffie, "I had a Pokémon obsession." I told him and watched him investigate the toy slowly, investigating every inch of it and smiling at it. Thankfully, I noticed he was handling it carefully.

"You loved this, no?" He asked, looking over at me after a little bit while still holding the plushie.

"Yeah." I smiled again as I remembered how I would line up armies of Pokémon plushies to fight Pokémon battles, my brother would roll a dice and the one with the higher number would win. It was really a lot of fun, I miss being that care free, I also wish I could solve every problem with a dice roll.

"Why is it 'ere?" He asked, looking around the currently depressed looking room. I smiled as I thought of the possibilities of every inch, nook, and crevice inside this small shop.

"I brought a lot of my childhood memories here," I explained when I'd looked back at him, "Because I'm going to begin another chapter of my life and I want to remember the past ones. I can use them as decoration!" I looked back at the Pikachu plushie and then up at Laf who was looking rather thoughtful.

"Mon amour, I think I would like to have enfants with you one day," Laf said, I blushed heavily again at the thought of having babies with Laf. At least, I think that's what that word means, I'm not entirely sure.

"I-I do too?" I was still a bit confused but Laf kissed me so I guess I did something right. He's such a sweetheart and I'm so glad that out of 7.4 billion people in the world, he somehow found me in his heart. God, I love him, I love him so much. I don't know exactly how I managed to get Lafayette to fall for me but goddammit I'm never going to let him go.

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