Chapter 4

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Please, not again.

I sobbed under his grasps as I started to feel exhausted. None of my effort could made him stop. There's nothing I could do rather than surrender myself underneath him.

Just when he managed to land a hand on one of my breast, someone entered the room and immediately pulled that bastard away from me before punching him hard in the face.

"How dare you touching her again?!" Yoongi landed another punch on the other man's face.

"Good to see you too, nephew." The man grinned as he wiped the blood from his mouth.

"The fuck are you even doing here?" Yoongi's fist clenched on his side as he tried to hold himself to land another punch to his uncle's face.

"I just wanted to get something and I felt like I need to visit you before I left. How fortunate I am to meet her again after such a long time." He replied as he grinned at me.

"She paid her debt a long time ago, she's no longer yours. And I don't need your existence so go get your ugly face out of this building now." Yoongi said as his teeth gritted, trying not to explode his anger.

"Ah I see now. You paid her debt so she could be your slave eh? What a smart kid." The man scoffed before he turned his gaze toward me. "So he treat you better than I did huh? That's why you're still by his side up until now?"

"None of your business." Yoongi snorted. "Now get the fuck out of here before I put you back to the prison where you belong." He added.

"Wow my big brother must be so proud of you, you're just exactly like him." He quipped as he took his folders and walked outside before he slammed the door.

Yoongi turned around as he loosened his tie before he sat down besides me. He fixed my clothes and my hair. He then cupped my face as he wiped my tears with his thumbs before he pulled me into his warm embrace.

The sight of that man reminded me on the day that I wished for my death. The day when I couldn't feel anything but pain. Both physically and mentally.

My mouth and my eyes was covered with some fabric as my hands and my legs was tied up behind my back. He hung me up naked on the ceiling of his basement.

The only sound that could be heard at that time was my cracked voice, sobbing as I prayed to God to kill me before that man does.

I didn't have anything back then. No dignity, no future, not even a hope to continue to live. But then this guy came out of nowhere. He untied me, he made me see lights again. He took care of me, he saved me.

I knew he sometimes could loose control too. He treated me harshly several times. But I also knew that deep down inside of him he regreted it because he would treat me as if he loved me in the next day.

Maybe that's why I agreed to become his sex slave. Even if I'm only his slave, he still willingly took care of me, watched over my health, and even told me to go to college. He at least treated me as a human.

I tighten my hug around Yoongi's body. Thanking God for sending him to me instead of granting my wish to die.

He doesn't need a word to comfort me. He just do it naturally with his body. He can do that simply just by breathing over me. I appreciated his existence as I breathed in him.

This part of Yoongi that always made me feel safe.

This part of Yoongi that always made me stay.

This part of Yoongi that always melt my heart.

This part of Yoongi that I wished would always be there. 


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