Chapter 36

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[Kaia's POV]

I walked on the empty hallway casually, intended to step by my locker to put some books before I went home. As I reached my locker, a boy that I didn't even know his name slowly approaching me.

"Hey, Kaia. I know it's not that much but..." He bit his bottom lip as he blushed before he handed me a box with a bow wrapped around it and said, "...happy birthday."

My eyebrows furrowed. Not only that I suddenly got a gift from a stranger, but also that I've just realized that it was actually my birthday.

"Oh, thanks..." I said awkwardly as I glanced at the box and found his name was written right after the word from. "...Jungkook."

"You're welcome." He quickly said with a wide smile while his hand scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "Well, see you around." He waved at me which I responded with a hum and a quick raised of the brows before he finally turned his heels and walked away.

I shrugged as I opened my locker and then a bunch of things suddenly fell out from inside that metal box. I scanned my locker skeptically and found out that the place was filled with presents in such various shapes.

"Shit." I cursed as I tried to collect some boxes that scattered on the floor with one of my hands while trying to hold some boxes with my other one.

"Whoa someone's famous." A guy commented out of nowhere, startling me a bit.

I instantly looked to the side and found Hoseok literally picking up the boxes that were lying a few inches away from my spot.

"Said the guy who got tons of chocolate on Valentine's day." I rolled my eyes as I chuckled and he followed.

"Geez what should I do with all of this stuff?" I sighed loudly as I stared at the pile of gifts inside my locker.

"What you usually do?" Hoseok said as he handed me a few gifts that he collected.

"Put them on eBay." I said randomly.

"Oh." He hummed in a doubtful tone.

"Just kidding. I gave them away to whoever wants it or need it." I shrugged.

"Now that sounds more like you." He chuckled.

"Well, honestly I don't know." I chuckled lightly. "I don't really have that much friend so most of this will probably go to my closet and never be touched again. Unless if it's food." I nodded slightly.

"You should've told me it's your birthday so I can buy you a gift that you'll touch every single day." He said playfully as he let out a chuckle.

I scrunched my nose as I laughed a little. "Nah that's okay. I don't really care about my birthday."

No one really cares about it actually.

"Well, I do. But I have a whole class to teach so see you later, birthday girl." Hoseok patted my head gently as he walked past me, showing off his charming smile as he did.

We were lucky that the hallway was empty, so no one noticed when I was smiling like an idiot as I tried to empty my locker, removing a bunch of gifts that people stuffed inside this little box in secrecy before I could put my actual stuff in it.

Not that I'm being ungrateful but, what's the point of all this? Random strangers just gave you stuff that you never even asked for or needed and in addition, for free.

That just doesn't make sense unless they want something in return. It goes like 'hey happy birthday, here I bought you a gift so you better buy me something for my birthday too, bye!'

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