Chapter 25

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[Kaia's POV]

Jimin drove me back to my apartment because obviously, Yoongi wouldn't want to do that. I mean, why doing such an unimportant thing by yourself when you got the best assistant in the world to do that for you. Beside, he might be busy and tired.

Well, I was tired too. Standing beside him while he was busy discussing about business with several people he encounter during the party was tiring for me.

Plus, I just realized that my shoes was a bit too tight on my feet the longer I wear them. It felt so uncomfortable when I stood there the whole night that it started to hurt my feet.

The worst thing was I could do nothing beside listening to a whole conversation where I didn't even understand the half of it. Luckily, I got this mask to hide my dumb face the entire time.

I thanked Jimin before I went inside the building while carrying the mask that I took off as soon as I left the party in my left hand. While in my other hand, I carried the heels that accompanied me the whole night which long enough to make my feet scuffed in several places.

I hurriedly ran toward the elevator before it was being closed right in front of my face. I huffed at the perfect timing as I decided to wait for the next one but then the door slowly opened again.

"Oh? Hello." The only guy inside the elevator greeted me as soon as he saw my face.

"Hello, Hoseok." I gave him a small smile as I entered the elevator. I then pushed the button to my floor as its light instantly glowing, just like the button right under it which belonged to Hoseok.

"Did you just got home from a party?" He opened up a conversation as he glanced down at my outfit.

"Yeah." I nodded lightly.

"Does your feet hurt?" He raised an eyebrow as he asked in concern. Apparently, my dress wasn't the only thing he observed just now.

"Ah, no it's okay." I let out a sheepish smile as I tried to hide my feet away from his gaze.

Silence filled the tiny room as no one came out with other words before a loud ding was heard when the elevator reached the 23rd floor where Hoseok live. But the guy didn't move from his spot and just stared at me instead.

He then pushed the button so the door went closed in the next second. I looked up at him with an obvious look of confuse because I was wondering why didn't he get out of the elevator and go home.

"It's okay, I'll take you home." He muttered shortly after, answering my unsaid questions.

I didn't say anything as I quickly averted my gaze to the floor, probably being too shy that I started to feel my cheeks getting warmer all of a sudden.

We arrived at the 24th floor in no time. I slowly stepped my feet out of the elevator, trying to find some words to say to him because they were all jumbled up inside my head.

"You wanna come in?" I was supposed to thank him but somehow those words came out first.

I didn't know why I even invited him and slightly hoping that he refused the offer when I saw him being hesitant because we both know what happened the last time we were inside.

"Is it okay?" He asked hesitantly.

"S-sure." I replied as I nodded.

I swiped the card key to unlock the door and Hoseok suddenly chuckled as he watched from my side.

"What's wrong?" I raised an eyebrow since I couldn't find any funny things around.

"Ah, sorry. I just remembered that one time you forgot to bring the key and couldn't get in." He said in between the chuckle.

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