Chapter 17

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"I like you as a woman."

"I didn't expect you to accept me right away but can we get to know each other more before I properly ask you out?"

Hoseok's words kept on repeating over and over again, going back and forth like a boomerang inside my head.

Getting to know each other more? Yeah that would just make him dissapointed and disgusted once he get to know me better. Or should I say worst?

"What are you thinking?" Namjoon said as he waved his hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I startled by his action which snapped me away from my reverie in just a second.

"Don't tell me you're drunk." He assumed.

"You gave me an orange juice Namjoon, how am I supposed to get drunk with this?" I scoffed as I lifted my glass in front of his face.

"Well, you could just thank me later cause I'm concerned about your safety." He nodded as he smirked slightly.

"Yeah, you should done that days ago." I said sarcastically.

"Speaking of that, how long have you known Hobi? You both looked so close." He muttered.

"You mean Hoseok?" I lifted an eyebrow and he nodded.

"Well not that long and not that close." I replied as I shrugged.

"Really? I saw him left earlier. He didn't ditch you, did he?" He asked as he poured some drink for himself.

"No, he said that he has something to do so he went first." I shrugged.

"Did he sent you home safely that night?" He said as he rested his elbows on the counter.

"Yeah. Way too safe." I tilted my head slightly before I took a sip at my drink.

"You didn't do something weird to him did you?" He said playfully.

His words got me jumped in surprise. I managed not to burst the orange juice out of my mouth but it made me choked on it instead.

"Did you...?!" He gasped as his eyes grew bigger.

"I-I was drunk okay I didn't even─"

"Whoa I never knew that our baby K is growing up already." He smirked teasingly.

"Stop it." I snorted as I blushed while my hands were busy trying to hide my face.

Why do I have to be so obvious?! I yelled at myself.

"Sorry, I thought he was just your regular neighbor. Well apparently... not?" His eyebrow raised at his last word before he chuckled and then brought his glass onto his mouth, drinking whatever the green liquid from the glass.

"Well actually he's also my professor." I shrugged.

This time, Namjoon was the one who choked on his drink. He was the only person that I considered as friend since he literally knew me since I took my very first step. I constantly talked to him about life, but not the life where Yoongi was in obviously.

"Oh─ wow!" He coughed as he hitting on his chest repeatedly.

"Can I tell you something?" I said hesitantly.

"Of course." He simply nodded after he managed to catch his breath.

"He confessed to me." I bit my bottom lip as I peeked through my finger.

"Oh he did?" Namjoon's eyes showing a bit of amusement.

"Mhm. It got me so confused and I didn't even know how to respond." I sighed as I crossed my arms on the counter.

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