Chapter 16

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[Kaia's POV]

I couldn't brought my eyelids to close the whole night. I ended up staying up till the sun greeted the world once again, while I was hugging my curled body underneath this warm blanket.

I couldn't sleep. I've tried to close my eyes and tried not to overthink but the result remained the same, I still couldn't sleep. Not with what just happened. And especially not with Yoongi sleeping besides me in this very same bed.

This was the first time he actually stayed the night and slept in the same bed with me and my mind still couldn't comprehend the things that just happened.

Did he just make love to me?

I mean, he was being so gentle and way too kind during our intercourse. It scared the hell out of me somehow, because he never acting like that before. It scared me because deep inside I slightly enjoyed the way he treated me last night.

Is this even the real Min Yoongi who's sleeping besides me?

I couldn't even turn my body and face him. I stayed in the exact same position since last night that some of my muscles already felt numb but I ignored it.

Because if I turned around, I knew I would be facing him in a very close distance. If I turned around, I knew my heart would be acting totally different and I didn't even know what it means.

Never would I ever expect him to act like that. Therefore I was still in a daze of disbelief and confuse up until this very moment that my mind constantly reminiscing the scenes.

From his touch and his kisses. His stares and his sweet words. To the way he whispered in my ear. The way he thrusted slowly in me. The way he pleasured me all the way to the cloud nine.

It were all felt so different as if he was actually appreciated me. As if he...loved me?

My thoughts shattered the moment my alarm screaming as it ripped the silence that filled the entire bedroom. I knocked it off quickly as I sat myself up on the edge of the bed.

I took a deep breath before I turned my head and glanced at the black haired guy behind me from over my shoulder.

He slept peacefully and soundless. His bare chest was exposed while the lower part of his body was covered by the blanket we shared. No more fear written on his face which I slightly felt glad to see him that way.

A part of me had the urge to push those strands of hair that covering his forehead down to his eyebrows but all I could do was just staring in silence, afraid that I might woke him up. Afraid of which Yoongi that might woke up, the sweet one or the bitter one.

I stood up silently then walked to the bathroom to take some quick shower. Then I made myself some breakfast and decided to left some for Yoongi, just in case if he felt hungry once he woke up? Well, little chance he would eat it but I just did it anyway.

I hastily reached the bedroom to grab my bag. Before I walked out of the room, I took one last glance at the man who was sleeping on the bed, back facing me. I sighed as I looked at his figure then left the apartment before I went straight to campus.

~ ~ ~

The last lesson for the day was literature out of all the subjects. Not that I hate it, in fact I love this subject. But I got to see Hoseok, which reminded me of that one night when I got heavily drunk.

Ironic that I almost forgot about it when I had my moment with Yoongi, while I was doing that with Hoseok the night before to distract myself from that particular cold hearted guy.

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