Chapter 22

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[Author's POV]

Yoongi stomped inside his office in annoyance as he stripped out of his suit and then threw it on the desk. He then lazily plopped himself onto his chair while heaving a deep sigh.

He loosened his tie before he opened the top two button of his shirt as his chest slightly came into display. He leaned his head back as he shut his eyes, trying to calm his mind rather than throwing unnecessary tantrum and ruined his fancy office.

Meanwhile, Jimin just watching him in silence as he stood in a safe distance because he knew that his boss wasn't in a very good mood.

This was the second time the board member rejected his proposal about giving some of the company's profits to some mental hospitals who currently looking for donation.

Of course he was furious because he desperately wanted to help them. He already spent almost all of his own money donating to them for the past two and a half years.

The money he had left now was mostly belong to his father. Even though he already inherited them all legally, he refused to give them to such a place and donated them on somewhere else instead.

Sure he had his own reasons on why he wanted to do all of those things, but he couldn't just tell anyone about it. At least not the time yet.

Yoongi snapped his eyes open and Jimin almost dropped the iPad out of his hands as he jumped in surprise. He thought that his boss was going to yell at him or something. It was his fault for staring at him for too long anyway.

"Double check on the invitations and the guests list, Jimin. We don't want unnecessary people to come to the party." Yoongi muttered calmly a moment later.

"Will do, Sir." Jimin nodded quickly as he started typing something on his iPad.

"Those stupid old men. Seems like they forgot that this is a fundraising party and not some highschool bullshit prom." Yoongi removed his tie before he tossed it near the suit that was lying lifelessly on top of his desk.

"I almost thought you were the one who suggested the theme, Sir. Apparently the board members kind of forget about their age." Jimin muttered as he scoffed subconsciously.

Lucky for him that Yoongi didn't take his words too seriously despite how bad his mood at the moment because he had something more important to think about.

The fundraising party was all that he could counting on right now. He was allowed to held the party this weekend but the members were the one who decided some other important things, including the theme.

"I might into roleplay Jimin, but I would never wear a stupid mask." Yoongi glanced at Jimin with a stern look plastered on his eyes.

"But that's like the dresscode Sir, so... you have to." Jimin cleared his throat, trying not to stutter because he just realized he wasn't supposed to say stupid things like what he just did earlier.

"I thought I could make any donation whenever I wanted to when I already own this company." He sighed as he rubbed the middle part of his forehead lightly.

"Well, you have to get the agreement from the board members first. That's the rules." Jimin stated firmly, just in case his boss had forgotten.

"Yeah, I know that. Stupid rules." He groaned under his breath.

"Anyway, since it's a mask party, why don't you bring a plus one?" Jimin suddenly suggested.

"Who? You?" He raised an eyebrow as he wasn't sure why his assistant suddenly suggested such a thing.

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