Chapter 41

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[Kaia's POV]

I watched him sitting at one of the tables at the open study area while writing down on a piece of paper. A soft smile painted on his lips. He seemed really into it, and once he finished, he proudly showed his creation to the person that's been waiting patiently beside him.

Wearing the newest collection of a famous clothing brand, the outfit radiated her figure even more. Her long hair was neatly tugged behind her ear, with a touch of natural makeup that made her face features glowing underneath the sunlight.

The person smiling in awe as she read whatever the words Hoseok had scribbled down on that thin piece of paper. Her smile was contagious. I could see his eyes sparkled as he witnessed her reaction.

"Oh, those two are here again." One of the students who was three lockers away from me commented.

"It's really obvious that she likes Professor Jung." The other one chuckled.

"So Professor Kang is being single this whole time cause she's waiting for someone as perfect as her?"

"Well, as you can see, it's a perfect match. I mean, who would be more perfect than Professor Jung in here?" They scoffed.

Perfect match.

Yeah, that's what he needed. Judging from the smile he ignited, I was pretty sure he sincerely felt happy. I'm just glad that he could find the right person to share that happiness with.

I smiled in relief as I diverted my gaze back to my own locker, shoving a few books randomly so I could get out of that place as soon as possible since I didn't want him to spot me. I just thought that my presence might be too burdensome for him, especially after what happened.

I walked outside the building as I checked my phone. No new notifications. I shrugged as I locked my phone before throwing it inside my bag and then continued my way to the parking lot, looking for Jimin.

A few minutes lurking around and I still couldn't spot him. I huffed as I stared at my wristwatch and it read 10.20AM. I groaned slightly, realizing that I forgot to tell him that my second class was canceled and now I have to wait for an hour or so before he came to pick me up.

But why bother waiting when you could just take the bus? I thought to myself.

I then swung my legs on the pavements, trailing my way to the bus stop, kicking some pebbles that were blocking my way with the tip of my shoes as a result of my boredom.

No one was there when I reached the bus stop, so I sat there alone while waiting. A moment later, a black van stopped right in front of me. It didn't really get my attention before two guys with buffy arms stepped outside.

They grabbed me by the arms and one of them covered my mouth with some fabric that smell weird to muffle the sound of my screams. I tried to fight back but I couldn't even fight one guy, let alone two.

I could feel the energy slowly drifting away from my body and in no time, all I could see was pitch black.

~ ~ ~

[Author's POV]

The only thing Yoongi wished for was staying away from this room. He didn't particularly hate the room. It's cozy really, with an enormous window on the side revealing the city that got shadowed by the bright clear sky. But he hated the creatures that crawling inside this square room, people who's blinded by position and enslaved by money.

"This is your last warning, are you going to sign it or not?" One of the man spoke with a smug face.

"What if I say or not?" Yoongi tilted his head as he trailed the words, slightly leaning back on his chair.

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