Chapter 7

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I woke up right when the sun was about to rest. I blinked several times before I could feel my whole body aching as soon as I moved around. What Yoongi did last night made my body felt super tired and sore.

I carefully get out of the bed and then walked to the bathroom. I turned on the faucet to fill the bath tub with warm water before I untied my robe and tossed it to the basket in the corner of the room.

I looked at myself in the mirror and found a messy haired girl with a lot of bruises all over her body staring back at me.

Wow you look horrible.

I tied my hair up before I stepped into the warm water and soon enough I could feel my muscles loosened a bit. I washed my face as I rubbed my eyes while humming to BTOB's song, Someday.

I stroke my neck with the warm water all the way down untill I came to my collarbone, where one of Yoongi's mark painting my skin in a mixed color of purple and red.

Min Yoongi. I heaved a deep sigh when I recall his name. A part of me hates him for treating me like I don't deserve to be loved. Yet the other part of me was grateful whenever he's breathing besides me.

He was unexpected. I truly didn't expect him or his effect on me. The way he seduced my mind, the way he touched my body. It's addictive. And I'm afraid that I might fell in love with him someday.

I'm afraid to fall because he wouldn't be there to catch me. He didn't do relationship. He didn't believe in the emotion of love. He didn't believe in those things that he called them clichè.

I shook my head eagerly, realizing the fact that I was just thinking about Min Yoongi out of nowhere. He only left for a few hours now and I already missed him?

Hell no.


I opened the refrigerator door, hoping there would be any food to soothe my empty stomach. But all I found was only a few bottles of water and a can of beer so I just slammed it closed in the next second.

Eventhough I usually get take outs, I still need to fill up my refrigerator just incase. I took my jacket from the hatstand to cover up my satin pajamas before heading out to the supermarket nearby.

I stood on my tiptoes as I tried to reach for a box of cereal on the top shelf, slightly regretting myself for wearing a slippers and not a high heels. I groaned in frustration before deciding to jump.

One time. Two times. Three times and when my feet touched the ground again, my back bumped into something. A chest. A wide chest.

What the hell is this guy think he's doing pinning me like this?!

I was more than ready to nudge him with my elbow before I saw his hand taking the box of cereal that I've been aiming for the past few minutes. He took a step back before he put the box inside the trolley next to me and I immediately turned around.

"Oh, Jeon Kaia isn't it?" He said in surprised once he was facing me.

"Mi-mister Jung...?" I said when I saw his face up close. Why am I stuttering?

"You feel better?" His eyebrows raised in a unison.

"Huh?" Was the only word that left my mouth as I stared blankly at him, probably looking dumb right now.

"Your sickness, is it all gone?" His tone was in concern.

Crap! I totally forgot that I lied to him yesterday.

"Oh that. Y-yeah, of course! I'm fine now..." I looked at him for a brief moment before I dropped my gaze to the floor and continued, "...Sir."

"Glad to hear that." He flashed a smile at me and once again I could see his dimples showing.

"Thankyou for asking and for this." I said as I lifted the cereal box slightly, giving him a quick smile.

"No problem." He shrugged. "Are you throwing a party?" He said as he pointed on my trolley which was full with snacks, lots of ramyeon and boxes of canned beers.

"What? Of course not." I scoffed unintentionally.

"So you're saying that this is all for yourself? Wouldn't that be too much?" He chuckled.

"Well yeah. But that's only because I rarely go to the supermarket, so I bought them all in one go." I informed him as I shrugged.

"I see." He nodded still chuckling. "By the way are you done? Or you need to fetch some more things?" He continued as he raised an eyebrow.

"Nope, the cereal is the last thing I need." I said briefly as I shook my head.

"Oh good then. We could go home together after we paid this." He said casually before he pushed my trolley to the cashier.

"Wait... Well okay." I just nodded and then followed him after I realized that we were actually living in the same building.


Annyeong! It's been a while, I know and I'm sorry~ but more importantly, hope you enjoy this chapter♥♥ (even if it short...)

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