Chapter 23

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[Kaia's POV]

"I couldn't accompany you since I still got a lot of things to do, so suit yourself okay? He must be somewhere inside." Jimin said once we're arrived at the building where the party was being held.

"You don't say, Jimin." I retorted because his statement were a bit dumb. I mean it's his party, of course he would be there somewhere.

"But yeah, don't worry." I added.

"Alright. Here." He handed me the essential thing that I had almost forgotten.

"Do I really need to wear that?" I mumbled as I glanced toward the mask on his hand.

"It's the dresscode, so yes." He said nonchalantly.

"Why mask party? Is this one of his kinks?" I sighed as I took the mask and then put it on.

"I actually thought the same thing but he said no when I asked about it." He shrugged.

Did he just saying that he asked that freaking Min Yoongi about his kinks? He surely got the balls, wow.

"Good then, hope I could recognize him right away." I breathed deeply before I stepped inside while Jimin went to the other way.

I looked around the hall as I walked, scanning every inch of the place which was bigger than what I had in mind. People were filling the space while hiding their faces underneath those fancy and various mask.

How could I find him amongst all of these people who hide their faces behind these stupid mask?? I groaned mentally since there was no sign of Yoongi's whereabout yet.

"Are you alone, Miss?"

A deep husky voice catched my attention as a blonde guy suddenly appeared in front of me, blocking my way.

"No actually I'm looking for uhm my partner." I said nonchalantly.

"What kind of guy who left such a beautiful girl alone like this? Come on let's go get some drink as you wait." He offered as he slightly tilted his head.

"Uh, no thanks." I let out a small smile, trying to refuse politely while my eyes still wandering around.

"Come on, just one drink? It won't hurt, I promise." He pleaded as he insisted.

He seemed like the type of guy who refused to leave before he got what he wanted but I was probably too tired of being rude at the moment and shoo him off.

"Fine." I said a moment later as I finally agreed since I thought that I still could looking for Yoongi while enjoying some drink so why not.

He let out a smile and even though I could only saw the bottom part of his face, I could say that his smile was a bit tempting because it looked so unique. But fortunately I'm not that easy so I still could breathing just fine.

He guided me to the bar and then we both ordered some drink. I noticed that this blonde guy couldn't keep his eyes still as they constantly glancing toward my chest area.

Thanks, Jimin. Really.

"Are you a model?" He spoke up right after he took a sip of his champagne.

"No." I replied shortly.

"Then what do you do? You're definitely not an actress either." He shrugged confidently.

"Why so sure?" I said as I raised an eyebrow.

"If you're an actress, I might already recognize you by now since I'm working in that field." He said casually.

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