Chapter 35

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[Author's POV]

Kaia was waiting at the bus stop, intended to go somewhere besides her apartment because her classes finished early.

As she waited for the bus, her phone suddenly rang. The name that was written on the screen successfully sent a smile upon her lips when she read it.

It was such a miracle that her relationship with this guy is getting better each day. She could even speak casually to him without getting scolded lately.

She realized that he slowly changing ever since they went to the Sea World together, causing her hatred toward this guy slowly fading since she discovered more side of him that she could never expected.

"Hey." She answered cheerfully.

"Where are you?" Yoongi snapped impatiently.

"Uhm at the bus stop."

"What are you doing at a freaking bus stop?"

"Waiting for someone to pick me up. Of course I'm waiting for a freaking bus, duh?" She rolled her eyes fondly, finding his question rather silly.

"Language please, kitten?" He sighed.

"Sorry." She giggled.

"Which bus stop are you at?"

"The one near my university. Why?"

"Don't go anywhere."

And with that he hung up, leaving Kaia all puzzled as she stared at her phone screen, pursing her lips cause she expected Yoongi would say something else.

The guy still loves to order her around because he's just such a control freak, but Kaia always obeyed him anyway. So she just sat there as she occasionally swaying her legs out of boredom while waiting for something she didn't even sure of.

A few moments later, a black s-class Mercedes-Benz pulled over and stopped right in front of her. She knows it very well whom the car belongs to even before the front window got rolled down, revealing a dark haired guy who ordered her to get in as soon as he saw her.

"Where are we going?" Kaia asked as she buckled her seatbelt.

"Lunch." Yoongi said nonchalantly as he stepped on the gas.

"At Seokjin's?" She raised an eyebrow because that is the only place she could think of whenever Yoongi said he wanted to take her for a meal.

"Your choice." He said casually.

"Really?" Her tone was rising, surprised and disbelief clearly mixed inside her voice.

"I don't like to repeat myself." Yoongi mumbled lowly while his eyes still focused on the road.

"Well... if I said McDonald's would you still allow?" She said in uncertainty as she raised an eyebrow.

Yoongi stayed quiet for a moment, but then he hit the pedal and sped up his car as he sighed lowly. "You seriously need to upgrade your taste."

It only took a few minutes before they arrived at the nearest McDonald's. Kaia quickly unbuckled her seatbelt, ready to get out of the car in full spirit, because did this guy really take her to that place.

On the other hand, Yoongi stayed idle on his seat while staring at the huge sign that reads McDonald's with a blank face. It's as if he didn't believe that he just drove himself all the way here.

Kaia suddenly felt guilty when she saw the expression on the guy's face. "W-we can go to some other place if you really hate this place..."

Yoongi remained quiet. It's not that he particularly hates the place. He just hates the memories he has that involving his parents and coincidentally a place named McDonald's.

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