Chapter 48

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[Author's POV]

The vibrations of his phone against the wooden desk caught Yoongi's attention. His eyes shifted from some documents that he's been checking for a while to his phone screen, scanning through the caller ID briefly. He then dropped the pen and took his phone in one swift motion to answer the call.

"Yoongi? I have a good news!" The voice exclaimed in excitement even before he could produce a word.

"Oh yeah? What is it?" He answered softly as he leaned back on his chair, slightly intrigued.

"I'm finally getting married!" The girl giggled as she finished her sentence.

Yoongi was probably too tired to react but hearing how happy his sister was managed to send a smile upon his lips. "Really? Wah congratulation, I'm so happy for you." He hummed.

"Thankyou little brother." She chuckled before she continued, "Alright, I'm gonna hang up cause I need to pick up the rings now."

"Oh, right. Tell your fiancé I congratulate him as well." Yoongi mumbled.

"Sure, I will. But he's currently out of town for work. I'm picking the rings all by myself. How sad is that?" She huffed lightly.

"Where are you right now?" One of Yoongi's eyebrows raised as he asked.

"I'm still at my apartment but about to head out cause I need to catch the bus." She replied.

"Well then be still. I'll pick you up in a couple minutes." He said nonchalantly as he took a glance at his wristwatch, calculating the time in his head.

"You sure? Aren't you busy?"

"Well not really. I just need to visit the hospital for some works. Besides, it's almost lunch time." He shrugged.

"For some works? You're donating again, aren't you?"

"Yeah- well, just wait for me there, Yoonji. See you." He hung up the phone as he exhaled.

He flipped the folders closed and set them aside before he stood up from his seat. After stretching himself for a brief moment, he then proceeded to grab his suit along with his car keys before he eventually left his office.

The dark haired male made a stop by Jimin's desk just to inform the assistant that he's gonna be out for a couple hours which the younger responded with a nod and a bow as Yoongi walked toward the elevator and went down.

It only took him about fifteen minutes until he reached his sister's apartment and soon they drove away to a particular jewelry shop which located in the downtown.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience ma'am but our order is a bit overload so your rings will be finished in about two hours." The employee said as he bowed toward both Yoonji and Yoongi.

"Ah seems like I'm too early?" Yoonji mumbled as she tilted her head. It was obvious that she looked a bit disappointed but she tried to laugh it off.

"I'm so sorry ma'am, we'll give you a discount as our sincere apology." The girl bowed once again as she apologized.

"Oh, no that's okay. It's only a few hours, I can just wait here." Yoonji said as she shook her head lightly.

"Are you seriously going to wait here? For a whole two hours?" Yoongi finally voiced his words from beside her.

"Do I have a choice? Besides, I don't really have- oh crap I do have an appointment with my doctor in thirty minutes." Yoonji mentally slapped her forehead the moment her eyes landed on the clock which was hanged on the wall in front of her.

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