Chapter 5

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Time Skip 4 days

Aiden's POV

Mitch had kept his promise all week, I had started on the Tuesday and now, It's finally Saturday. The start of the weekend, I know many students treated it as a safe haven, An escape from school. But after so many years, I have become accustomed to always doing something, or being treated like dirt. I turned down Mitch's offer to hang out, Even Lachlan and Preston had tried to talk to me. They asked me about a Skype but I had no idea what that was, They tried to ask me what a computer was but I wasn't that stupid. I'm clearly dumb and idiotic, But I'm not stupid.

Freya: "Aiden are you ok in here?"

Aiden: "No."

There was no use in lying, I was so scared to be honest, The whole day could flip on it's head in a second. She could come in here and demand I do something, even though so far I haven't done anything, she hasn't asked me anything, she hasn't demanded anything. While I was in my room, the door closed, the sound only coming from the constant ticking of the clock. And the music from my phone after Miss Close taught me about music. She was quite shocked that they put me into a music class when I had barely heard anything in my life. My parents were pretty strict, and I barely got to do anything. And even when I was growing up and a good boy. I got rewarded with a game. I didn't know what music really was. She explained to me that it was the sounds in the games that weren't from me or things that I was making the thing do. She is really sweet and a beautiful young lady. It surprised me personally how little I knew.

Freya: "Aiden, Josh and some of the Sidemen are coming over?"

Aiden: "You know about that name?"

Freya: "Of course I know the name for them... I came up with it for them, they said the kids at school have taken to calling them that as a group."

Aiden: "Yeah, The group of teachers that everyone loves. No one dislikes them, Lachlan said that even Carly is a good student for a few of them, Mainly Mr Lewis and Mr Lerone."

Freya: "You know Josh use to be a teacher as well?"

Aiden: "Really?"

Freya: "Yeah, He use to teach English with Ethan."

Aiden: "It sounds really odd listening to someone use their first name."

Freya: "I guess it would be different for you seeing as you are their student. I'm pretty sure the boys don't mind what you call them outside of school. But while in school you have to address them properly."

Aiden: "Vik said that on Tuesday, He said that while in school I had to be proper, But while outside of school I could call him anything."

Freya: "I think he is coming today, I'm not sure yet. They should be here soon, Would you like to help me get some drinks ready or something to eat or do you want to stay in here and relax?"

I looked at her confused, as if she just asked if I had four heads, ten legs and a third heart attached to my head... What the fuck brain?

Aiden: "Yeah just give me a second to put a shirt on."

Freya: "Sure, Come out when you are ready."

I heard her walk away and close the door behind her before I let out a huff and crawled from my bed, My half naked body in full view now. And I hated it, but I couldn't find the time or the motivation to eat. I was so thin and frail. My ribs were pretty evident through my chest, and my pelvis was practically there. I hated my body, But I had found it hard to sleep with a shirt on after being locked outside one day, All day, and there was no shade at that house. I will never remember that day as it was the first day Freya left me there. She always said she would come back and help me but she very rarely visited, and every time she did. My parents would just hurt me, telling me it was my fault she left. So when I was told I would be staying with her, I was terrified. She will probably leave me again, I mean look at me. I'm so fucking thin, but I can't put on any weight. Hell I got desperately hungry one day and ended up eating so much food that I basically threw it all up again anyway. I got hurt by my parents for ruining the toilet with my bile and staining it. It was horrible.

Freya: "Hey Boys."

Josh: "Good morning beautiful."

The way those two spoke, It was. Fuck what was the right word. Adorable or cute, one of those two. I just looked at the mirror, My glasses perched to the side but I had out my contacts in earlier. They annoyed me but Freya too me down to get a new pair yesterday, She knew the glasses annoyed me. I just wanted to be treated normal.

(Just saying I freaking love wearing glasses.)

Josh: "Is Aiden here?"

Freya: "Yeah, he's just getting changed.

I reached into my drawer, Freya had kept the second room furnished for guests, but now that I had taken it, Anytime someone stayed they would have to use a mattress that we can put into the lounge room.

Vik: "Aiden are you ok?"

I panicked and looked at the door to see it still closed. Letting out a sigh of relief.

Aiden: "Yeah I just need to put a shirt on."

Vik: "Yeah, Freya said that. Are you ok though?"

Aiden: "Yeah, I'm fine."

Vik: "You know I don't believe you right?"

I looked at the door ad saw him opening it, I wasn't ready. I felt my body starting to shake, My body felt so heavy. Memories started to fill my head in rapid succession, When he use to walk in unannounced, when he use to walk over to me, that look of ownership in his eyes.

Vik: "Aiden? Aiden we talked about this please it's ok, Look."

I watched as he started to kneel, Get down on his knees and then on his stomach. I didn't know what was going on but I felt... calmer, I could feel my body just... I've never felt like this before.

Vik: "Hey, Hey relax ok?"

I looked at him as if he was some creature, he looked. Strange.

Aiden: "V-V.."

He looked up at me as I fell in front of him, He just watched me curiously.

Vik: "I'm not a doctor, I'm just a teacher, I won't ever say or make you do anything ok? I'm sorry, I should have asked."

He looked up and saw me staring at him, I looked into his eyes and saw the pain, He knew what to do.

Aiden: "Vik..."

Freya: "Aiden!"

I heard more foot steps before I fell down and reached for Vik. His arms reaching out as I grabbed his hand, He pulled me down before I fell, Landing on my knees as he got up quickly and held me. I felt his arms wrapped around my frail, my thin, disgusting body. But it's not my fault.

Aiden: "It's not my fault. It's not my fault. I didn't do it. I didn't want to. No."

Vik's POV

I held him close to me, He started to freak once Freya called out. Maybe to see if he wanted to see us all? I don't know but right now, I know I have a young man in my arms, Crying his eyes out.

Freya: "Vik?"

Vik: "Shh, I didn't do anything, He is just having. An episode. I didn't knock and walked in, Seeing him still not yet changed, it reminded me of my sister Frey, I don't want him to go through what she went through. I'm sorry but give us a few minutes, I promise."

Freya: "It's not that I don't trust you Vik, I'm just scared is all. I'm trying to help him out here. Give him the life he deserves."

Vik: "I understand that, and I'm sorry. We will be out soon I promise."

I watched her nod, worry adorned her face. She watched me as I looked back down at the broken boy in my arms. Listening to her footsteps as she left, I kept looking at the boy in my arms, He was still shaking, still so scared and I should have realized what I did, I was such an idiot. I knew what would have happened and yet. I couldn't... I needed to see him again, make sure he was ok and that he was feeling better after Tuesday. Wow is that my excuse? I'm smart enough to know what's going on. And I hate myself for it. I'm his teacher.

Aiden: "NO!"

Vik: "Aiden, Mate breathe, I'm here for you. I won't let you go."


Freya: "Vik I can't sta..."

Aiden: "CALLUM, S-STOP!"

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