Chapter 12

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Rob's POV


Preston's POV

Time Skip

Aiden hasn't been to school in three days. It's now Thursday and Fourth period. Normally he would be here with me and Jerome for English but he still hadn't arrived. And it kind of sucked that we couldn't help him.

????: "I heard he almost killed someone."

????: "It would make sense wouldn't it?"

Mr Payne: "Care to explain ladies?"

I had been keeping Aiden updated, sending him photos of the work he missed as he didn't tell me his address or his number. Luckily it's not hard finding "Aiden Nightingale" on Facebook.

????: "Rumours sir you wouldn't be interested."

Mr Payne: "I'm sure I wouldn't but unless you are interested in detention for interrupting my class, Now speak up Laine. Why are you and your friend Genny here talking in my class?"

Laine: "Ugh fine, It's a rumor going around saying Aiden almost killed Callum a couple years ago. He freaked out and almost stabbed him."

Preston: "Good riddance."

Genny: "Preston what the fuck? How can you say that?"

Mr Payne: "There is no truth to these words unless they come from both sides, have I taught you both nothing in my class. Don't ever assume a full story until you get both ends of the argument. Then you can do whatever you please. Until then, Shit like this stays to yourself. If I catch anyone speaking of such ridiculousness in my class Again I will have you moved to another."

I knew he had the chance to do that, but did he have the authority?

Mr Payne: "Preston you will see me when class finishes. We need to speak."

Laine: "Someone is in trouble."

Mr Payne: "Laine do your work and butt out of anyone else's business."

Mr Payne Never swore, or at least not in front of us, I think he was the only one that didn't. Even Mr Lerner would swear on occasion with how stupid some of these students are. I chanced a glance at Mr Payne and saw the anger in his eyes dissipate when he saw me, He let out a sigh and continued to teach like nothing happened... an odd teacher to say the least.

Time Skip

As the bell rung for the class to be over, I still let out a sigh knowing Aiden wasn't here. I had no real feelings for him but he was still my friend, even if I was a bit occupied getting my dick wet.

Mr Payne: "Mr Arsement a word please?"

Genny: "You're screwed."

Mr Payne: "Leave Genny."

As everyone piled out and headed to lunch, I was a little bummed I couldn't go find Lachlan. He gives some fucking great hugs I swear and lately I just feel like shit.

Mr Payne: "I agree with what you said today."

Preston: "I'm sorry?"

Mr Payne: "What you said about the new McGinley kid. You were right, I was thinking the same thoughts myself actually."

Preston: "Wait, Mr Payne I don't..."

Ethan: "Just call me Ethan when we are alone, and that goes for the other "SideMen" if we are alone, you may use our names, It is fine... except for JJ. JJ is fine for him."

Preston: "Uh, Ok Ethan."

Ethan: "Thanks, But, I was also right in getting both sides of the story."

Preston: "Yeah I know, But I don't think anyone wants to be anywhere near that Callum boy, Rumours spread like wild fire in schools like this because of girls like Laine and Genny. They start or hear gossip and you wave your life goodbye, I've heard teachers getting it on, Students getting on, hell one went around saying I was Straight now after I ended up breaking it off with Rob Latsky."

I listened to Ethan laugh, Knowing full well I would never be straight. Bisexual maybe, but definitely not straight, Jerome was just easy fun.

Ethan: "I want you to befriend Callum, I know Aiden is your friend, and feel free to talk to him about it so he isn't uncomfortable but... I just have a feeling that as you had stated about rumors running quickly, I worry for him. As a student of course. But I also feel like, at the end of the day, Maybe, Just maybe, It's true in saying that anyone can be redeemed if they work hard enough. Believe me I've seen it. Believe it or not, Josh and Simon use to absolutely hate Each other. And Josh was even seeing a guy in high school called Flynn."

(Eyyy references)

Preston: "Yes sir, I am just worried is all. Callum seems like a pretty smart kid sure, but I know that something went down between him and Aiden, Something major. And while I want no part of it, I don't want to hurt Aiden... He came first."

Ethan: "Gross."

Preston: "Fuck off Ethan."

I watched him grin and chuckle to himself as he walked over and placed both of his hands firmly onto my shoulders.

Preston: "Sorry sir, you aren't my type."

Ethan: "For fuck sake Preston, I wouldn't try anything anyway, you are my student. And besides... that's Vik's job."

Preston: "OOFT Pew Pew shots fired."

Ethan: "They will live, but I mean it. Why don't you go talk to Callum? I have a feeling he will need a friend, and because you have a reputation of using a boy for a quick root. And yes we all know you had sex with Jerome and Rob in the locker rooms."

Preston: "I'm disabling that camera perverts."

Ethan: "Look, with your reputation of being the school fuck boy. Using everyone for sex. No one will bat an eye when they see you chatting up Callum, Just try to be his friend. Use him if you have to in order for him to trust you. Just please Preston, the poor guy is probably depressed because he can't be himself. Between all of these rumors, I'm surprised he hasn't run off as well."

Preston: "I'd rather talk to Aiden first, let him know so he isn't upset when he comes back and see's me being chummy with someone that gives Aiden a panic attack from just a hug."

Ethan: "I'm worried about them both. I know Josh will be seeing Freya tomorrow after school. And Vik said to me he wouldn't be home tonight so he can look after Aiden."

Preston: "Sir, Legal studies falls under English right?"

Ethan: "You would have more luck talking to someone in the HSIE block."

Preston: "Is it Legal for Vikram and Aiden to see each other though?"

Ethan: "Apparently he had a massive argument with Mr Minter this morning, when he got caught by Josh they were both dragged into the office and into the principal's. After some googling and word play, They found out that even though Aiden is a student, He is still 18 years old and so can do anything."

Preston: "Thanks sir, I need to go message Aiden and tell him what's going on. Then I will talk to Callum ok?"

Ethan: "Thank you Preston, I knew I could count on you."

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