Chapter 40

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Aiden's POV

I sat and waited for Mitch to explain everything. But whenever he would go to talk, Someone would try to want to talk to us or interrupt something. We sat there for ten minutes without saying a thing to one another and I felt miserable. What the hell is going on?

Mitch: "Aiden I..."

Aiden: "Stop. Just, don't worry about it Ok?"

Mitch: "You need to know."

Aiden: "And as soon as you start talking, someone tries to interrupt, Mitch we can't talk like this Ok?"

Mitch: "It's the only chance we can talk. Here at school but."

He looked so upset, so angry and miserable in himself. It wasn't anyone else's fault but his own as to why he was feeling like shit.

Aiden: "I don't know what's going on Mitch, But clearly it's something big. I don't think I should know. Even if it concerns me because everytime we have interacted, something has gone down. Either we fight. Or you kiss me."

I watched him flinch, please don't flinch.

Mitch: "I'm sorry."

Aiden: "I'm going to go see Vik."

Mitch: "Please don't."

Aiden: "He's my boyfriend Mitch."

Mitch: "Aiden, Can you please just go to your friends. I'll talk to Carly and tell her not to bully anyone just..."

Aiden: "Are you gay?"

He looked confused by my question and honestly... So was I. Where did that come from?

Mitch: "I'm Bisexual really."

Aiden: "Then maybe you should go and find someone you will love and to love you back. I'm sorry Mitch. But that kiss, it..."

I saw him looking at me hopeful, His eyes widening to inhuman sizes. He looked so happy, so intrigued. It was like, he wanted me to be honest with him. Tell him the truth so badly but, I just couldn't do it.

Aiden: "I'm with Vik. I'm sorry Mitch, Maybe in another time we could have been together but. That kiss."

Tell him.

Aiden: "I."

Be truthful.

Mitch: "Yeah?"


Aiden: "I felt nothing Mitch. I'm sorry."

I watched him drop his head and look at the table, I could hear the small sobs as he cried. I wanted so desperately to reach out and hold him, protect him from me but I'm with Vik. No matter how fucking good that kiss felt. I'm Vik's boyfriend. I watched him lift his arms up and onto the table as he let his head rest down onto them, trying to muffle his cries and stop the tears from falling. I feel horrible and miserable. And I felt the tears starting to fall in my own eyes as I turned and stood up, walking away from him and leaving him sitting there. Why didn't I tell him the truth, why did I do that to him?

Fischer: "Aiden?"

I turned to see him standing there watching us, He saw the tears falling from my eyes and moved to wipe them away before I felt a presence behind me.

Fischer: "What happened?"

Kaila: "Hey are you Ok?"

I turned to look at them both and I just felt... Angry. Angry at myself for not being honest and just, I felt like shit for doing that to him.

Aiden: "I have a boyfriend."

Kaila: "Yeah we know."

Aiden: "So then why did I feel so happy when Mitch kissed me?"

I noticed Kailas eyes widen and then go back to normal while Fischer just stood there looking shocked. I kissed a guy that started out as my friend, then became my bully, then he kissed me because he was so scared of me. And Vik... I only get to see him on Saturdays now. Why the fuck did it have to be Monday.

Kaila: "Look Vik is not good for you."

Aiden: "And why is that huh? Seriously I feel like I'm being left out of something huge. Fucking Seth hates me for some reason. What the fuck is going on."

Kaila: "Fischer don't say a word, Go back to Rob and tell them I'm taking Aiden to study."

Fischer: "Alright fine.

Aiden: "No. No I just, I just want to know what's going on. That's all."

They both looked at each other and didn't say a word.

Aiden: "If you know something, please tell me. Because I'm already sick of being in the dark."

Leah: "Oh look number seven."

Fischer: "Fuck off whore."

Leah: "Should just call you Saturday."

Kaila: "He said leave."

Leah: "I'm so scared Ooo."

I was in awe as I watched Kaila walk up to the girl that was probably originally just walking past until Fischer retaliated, Kaila walked up to the girl and punched her square in the chest.

Kaila: "Nice to know your tits are as fake as your ego. Fuck Off and leave him alone slut."

She looked at Kaila menacingly before moving. One guy tried to interrupt and say shit again but Fischer got to him. He called me Saturday as well what the fuck?

Aiden: "What the fuck is going on?"

Kaila: "Look we can't tell you Ok?"

Aiden: "Why not?"

Fischer: "It's not our place to say. Ask Mitch. Or Vik even just, someone you can trust."

I heard the bell ring, signaling the start of our next class.

Aiden: "I'm starting to find that list becoming shorter and shorter today already."

Ok so no one managed to guess who the she devil is so if you want I will announce it next chapter and no one will have gotten a one shot sorry. But I do have a new one going. Leave your guesses as to why would Aiden be Nick names Saturday. Most creative or correct answer wins a one shot of their choice. Deal?

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