Chapter 50

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Alright guys so this is the chapter You guys have been waiting for. I reveal the ultimate writing sin for the book but remember, Everything has explanations and science is my field of specialty online. So welcome to science.

Vik's POV

Walking through the hospital doors with Josh beside me after dropping home Ryan and Kaila, I swear time started to stand still. Everything felt like it was drowned in honey and made it almost impossible to move. I want to see him, I need to see him. But I'm scared. What if he never wakes up? What if he won't be Ok? What if he dies...

Josh: "Vik I need you to keep it the fuck together. For both of us."

Vik: "I'm scared Joshy."

God I haven't called him that in so fucking long. And I know he realized that as well. When we walked into the elevator, We pressed the button for the floor he would be on after being told we could wait by his room until he was shuttled in for surgery and scans. But the elevator, Josh never let go of me. He held me the entire time we were standing there, Just waiting for the mode of transportation to hit the required floor. When we did land on the 7th floor... Damn this place is big. We walked out and headed towards his room. Seeing Lachlan holding Cal while they sat on the ground. The boy crying into the Australians arms and that, definitely didn't fill me with much hope.

Vik: "Have... Have they..."

I could barely keep it in as Josh forced me to sit down next to the boys. All I could do was think and wait before I would be allowed to see him. And it took so long. Lachlan, Cal and I waited for what felt like an eternity, My phone blowing up from messages from the other sidemen, trying to find out what was going on.

Josh: "Vik, Boys, you are allowed to come in now, you just can't touch his head or upper body from the stomach up."

I felt myself breaking at his words, it made me feel like shit, and also filled with hatred towards Mitch. As we stood up and walked into the room, I noticed his head bandaged. Luckily not over his eyes but the tubes coming out of his mouth to help him breathe, The machines monitoring everything about him. It scared me seeing him so defenceless. Like I felt like I had to be here 24/7.

Josh: "He's OK. He's going to be OK eventually."

Vik: "What do you mean eventually?"

Doctor: "I assume friends and family?"

Freya: "Sister."

Callum: "Ex but good friend."

Lachlan: "Friend."

Vik: "Boyfriend."

Josh: "Soon to be brother in law."

I looked at Josh as he held Freya, Standing behind her. I noticed his hand holding her and his finger with a peculiar looking ring.

Vik: "I'd say congrats but you know."

Josh: "I've already told her had I known in advance this would happen I would have held off on asking her."

Doctor: "Anyway... My name is Doctor Douglas, But I guess you guys will be seeing me a lot so just call me Jane. I'm the head surgeon that will be conducting the scans and surgery on Mr Nightingale here. Basically already from what I can tell of his injuries after being given the case, He has already suffered damage to the back of the brain from the strike to the hit, knocking the skull around and causing it to crack. He was hit very hard and is likely that he will suffer some form of mental instability."

Vik: "So?"

Jane: "I hate to say it but it's likely he will suffer some form of Slight amnesia or memory loss in some degree, due to him falling unconscious to the ground after the blow as I was told when These two boys informed the paramedics what happened. With no form of defence to stop himself from falling his forehead took a beating and took most of the damage when he fell. In this instance, There is also a chance that his brains frontal love can be injured, which can result in speech or visual discrepancy. Meaning he may find it hard or impossible to talk or even see as that side of the brain takes charge for speech and sight."

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