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Yes Lei and Dami I still have the two characters but this is for something else.

I realize a lot of you guys get slightly frustrated and angry with me because I tend to leave a book on quite a hanger so I've decided to have some fun.

In my books. Across a few of them I have an original character that has been with me for a long time. And no it's not me so don't think it is. They have appeared in a fair amount of my books and so let's play a game.

If you guys can tell me who it is and which books they appear in. I will give you guys a pretty big reward in that I will get you to tell me which of my books you want an extra chapter for. This can be for any of the books (obviously excluding the already finished 200/200 one shot book)

I like to have fun with you guys and even though this is my account I like to think that my stories are for everyone in one way or another.

Message me who you think it is and which books they are in and the first one to do so will have a choice of a book they want another chapter or an ending for.

Only one hint. It's a male.

Goodluck and happy hunting.

Mr BarnWhere stories live. Discover now