Chapter 2

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Aiden's POV

As the bell rung, Signalling the start of class. Mitch took me over to the science labs and got me to sit next to him.

Mitch: "So what made you move schools?"

Aiden: "Uh honestly, I was bullied out of the last one."

I made a conscious effort to pull my skirt down at the back so i was sitting on the fabric, fixing my glasses before crossing my legs. I pulled a book out and got ready as the class started piling in. Our teacher following behind, He had dyed red hair and was rather tall.

Mitch: "Lose another bet with Me Olutanji Sir?"

Mr Minter: "Yep. That obvious?"

????: "You were blonde yesterday."

Mr Minter: "Ok well enough about me as I'll be your science teacher for this last year, A lot of the work will be revision but I will be teaching you some new topics as well."

Mitch: "Aiden?"

Mitch whispered beside me, garnering my attention.

Mitch: "Mr Minter is apart of what we all call the Sidemen or Teachers, they were all good friends in school growing up and decided to all pursue a career in teaching together. They are the best teachers and you are pretty lucky to have them all."

Mr Minter: "Mr Hughes is there a problem?"

Mitch: "No sir, Just informing Aiden here about you and the other teachers."

Mr Minter: "Aiden? Oh Mr Nightingale, The new student. Well welcome to the school mate."

Aiden: "Thanks."

Mr Minter: "I assume Mr Bradley has already..."

Aiden: "Yeah. I told him I didn't care."

Mr Minter: "Very well. Right everyone get out a work book and a pen and copy from the board please."

As Mr Minter started to write up some work for us, I looked around at the other students, Some of the girls were giggling to themselves, Some of the guys trying to work. Mitch was just relaxing while he wrote, as if it didn't bother him if he actually learnt anything or not. I might bring that up with him later as I started to get uncomfortable. Sitting in my chair, My dress covering me, But something made me feel uneasy, I felt wrong, Like I didn't belong. As I did I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I'll check it later, I know I'm not supposed to have my phone out. Unless it was an emergency, then I tell the teacher to hold onto it. I copied down the rest of the work before Minter gave us some questions based off of what we just wrote down, Yet only giving us enough information to obtain our own answers.

Mr Minter: "I'll let you guys do these and then one more lot and then we can take a break and chat. It's only the second day and we have plenty of time before your final exams. But remember that there will be assignments and you will be graded based off of your work in class as well as your exams. So don't think you can bludge in class and try and ace a test, It won't work that way."

Makes sense I guess, as we all finished writing down what he had written on the board, he erased what was on there and started another set. Before I knew it, It had already been Fifty minutes.

Mr Minter: "Now some of you I have taught before, But a lot of you I've never seen before. So I would like to get to know my students. So let's go along the room to each student, And you tell me something interesting, something that makes you you."

Fuck, Really, First class and I'm already on trial. As Mr Minter went along the rows, I was silently dreading him falling on me.

Mr Minter: "Mr Nightingale. Would you like to share something about yourself?"

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