Chapter 14

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Aiden's POV

Friday morning and I'm being made to come to school by Josh. Preston messaged me last night saying shit had hit the fan with everyone and that there were rumors being spread about me. I wasn't exactly the happiest about this. Having gone through it at my previous school but still. I feel like, I belonged more here. Even with Cal... Damn it he fucked me up sky much, and then had the nerve to hug me on Monday. Even after everything. What the fuck was his problem?

Josh: "Are you still thinking about those rumors? I'm sure it will be fine, and no where near as bad as when you get there."

Aiden: "Josh... have you ever had a rumour spread about you? Have you ever had blatant lies spread about you when you knew they weren't true? When over a thousand kids have an idea in their head because one student got bored? Have you ever felt like that Joshua?"

Josh: "No, I haven't. But as your principle, Might I remind you your Principle. I know I would do anything to keep my kids safe."

Aiden: "Even though Cal has been bashed, kicked, punched and attacked?"

Preston told me pretty much everything, the entire conversation with Cal and Lachlan, It seemed like Cal had been punished enough. Everyone thinking he was the one who spread the rumour saying I raped him... When it was the other way around.

Josh: "Come on let's go. I'm sure we have things to do on both of our ends. So why don't you go in and see your friends."

Aiden: "Yeah, Thanks Josh."

I got out of his car, grabbing my bag from the back and heading inside the school gates, I will never understand how American schools have lockers. It never seems necessary if you can just carry your bag around all over the place. As I headed inside I noticed people would physically stop themselves and look at me. I stopped moving and noticed everyone  actually looking at me, As if I had killed a person.

Aiden: "Is there something on my skirt?"

I placed my hands down and brushed my skirt, Trying to knock off whatever was on it. One student walked up to me and he looked furious.

????: "I'd suggest you turn around and leave, before you get forced out in a body bag."

Aiden: "I beg your pardon?"

????: "We don't tolerate your kind anyway. What the fuck and who the fuck do you think you are?"

Preston: "AIDEN!"

I watched as Preston ran over to my side and pushed the guy that was standing in front of me onto his ass. He grabbed my hand and quickly made his way... somewhere.

Aiden: "Preston slow down."

Preston: "I can't just trust me."

I looked at him and noticed he had a slight limp to his run, I guess once a slut always a slut but hey. At least he is enjoying himself. As we stopped, I noticed we were standing out the front of Mr Minter science class.

Aiden: "I'm flattered but I have History first with JJ."

Preston: "No you don't get it. Aiden, Everyone in this school is out to get you because of some stupid rumor. You need to come in here please."

I followed him as he opened the door, I notice quite a lot of seats were already taken.

Aiden: "Uhhh? Ok. So why is everyone here?"

Simon: "Because everyone here has something to do with you or has spoken to you before. Meaning it could only be one of these people that started the stupid rumor and needs to be put to rest."

I scanned the room and noticed a few friendly faces, Mitch, Rob, Landon the new kid, Chris, Jerome, That kid Seth. He seemed ok, And a few other students I didn't recognize but something that caught my eye was Lachlan, Sitting close ad whispering to Cal as he hung his head on the desk.

JJ: "Obviously we teachers are here because we have been teaching you for the past week. And Vik here..."

I watched as Preston let go before Vik moved forward, standing behind me while gently resting his hands on my waist, snaking the. Around to my stomach and holding me.

Vik: "I missed you."

JJ: "If you like, we can narrow it down to the handful that are directly involved with you and a the ones that could have started it, You students will learn that we will not tolerate this shit in our school."

Josh: "JJ language."

I didn't even realize Josh had entered the room.

Aiden: "So why am I here?"

JJ: "Who have you had an extensive chat with either in the past or recently that could even allow this info to slip out, whether as a joke or as an intentional slip?"

I told them who and noticed a good majority of students leave the room with a sigh of relief. The only ones left included my friends. Mitch, Rob, Landon I guess. I dunno he has been hanging out with those guys a lot and he messaged me on Facebook quite a bit so I guess he was a friend. That Seth kid who I still didn't know...

Aiden: "Who is he?"

Seth: "Seth."

Aiden: "I know your name, But I don't know you."

Seth: "I'm the quiet one. I know a lot about this school and the students in it."

Ok then sure? I also noticed Lachlan and Callum still talking between each other. A smile cracked onto Cal's face before he looked up and locked eye contact with me, His some instantly fading before he dropped his head.

Ethan: "So aside from students, we are here for the same reason?"

Harry: "Aiden We want you to feel comfortable in this school. We want you to feel happy here, so finding out who did it can make the most sense."

Vik: "If anyone is found hurting my boy I will make your lives..."

Josh: "Vikram that is enough of your petty squabbling."

I felt him tighten his hold on me before he linked his fingers with mine in my hands, kissing the back of my neck lightly.

Josh: "Aiden we really need to know who did this, and we need to find out now."

Before anything else was said, we noticed a large foot ball (Soccer ball) fly into the room, almost hitting Chris in the head. Josh walked over to him, Picked up the ball and threw it outside, yelling at students to be careful before he slammed the windows shut. I looked at the people in front of me and for the honest life of me, I had no idea who would start something like this. I mean who the fuck would want to start beef with me? I mean with Cal, He hasn't even looked at me this entire time, he was a viable option but with how much Lachlan is speaking to him. I can tell he is stressed and scared.

Aiden: "I Don't think it was Cal..."

I watched his head shoot up and look at me.

Aiden: "You have never been hiding before? Why would you try and turn a school around to be against me now? What would be the point? If you made it so obvious from the start that you would try to get rid of me, you have done a shit job. You never were the victim type. Also... is that a black eye?"

Callum: "It's nothing."

Lachlan: "He's been attacked by students because of the rumor. Everyone thinking it was him and then beating him up in order to make him feel horrible."

Aiden: "Landon I don't even know you really. And we are always chatting away nicely online, I doubt you would want to... holy shit."

I looked around and spotted him sitting there with a grin on his face.

????: "Got it in one."

(So who do you guys think it is, I will give you a clue if you haven't got it, Last chapter I dropped two MASSIVE hints and in this one I also dropped a pretty big hint too. Good luck.)

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