Chapter 49

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Vik's POV

After being let out of the police station, no guarantee's to whether I was an absolute free man or not, I started to get worried about what was going on back at school.

Vik: "Josh what's going on at school?"

Josh: "Uhhhh..."

Ryan: "Sir he will find out eventually anyway."

Josh: "Didn't Lachlan and Cal go with Freya though?"

Vik: "What? Is Aiden OK?"

Ryan: "Nope."

Josh: "For fuck sake Ryan shut up."

Vik: "If Aiden is hurt I need to go see him."

Josh: "He will be fine, we hope."

Vik: "Josh, You need to take me to see him right now."

Josh: "I don't even know if he Is awake right now. We left once the ambulance got there to come get you out. The least you can do is thank me for saving your ass."

Vik: "Thanks for bailing me out now if you don't mind I want to see my boyfriend."

Ryan: "Are you guys still together?"

Kaila: "They never officially broke up."

Vik: "Where is everyone else going?"

Josh: "The other teachers are taking them all home and will explain to their parents that I'll be giving the entire school the day off tomorrow while we sort out everything on our end, and because of how severe the attack was."



Hearing Kaila tell me what happened broke my heart. Into a million tiny little pieces.

Josh: "I'll take Ryan and Kaila home and then I will take you up to the hospital Ok?"

Kaila: "I'm such an idiot."

Vik: "He... Is he going to be Ok?"

I felt the tears coming from my eyes before I could do anything else. Hoping and praying he would be Ok but at the end of the day... I don't know. I should have fought against them, I should have tried to find out why and when these reports were filed. I should have talked to Aiden, Instead. I just doubted him. How the fuck could I do that tk the person I love... Did I just say that.

Vik: "I love him."

Josh: "What?"

Ryan: "Come again?"

Vik: "I... I said I love him. I love Aiden a day I should have done more to help him. My last words to him were of doubt and I need to fix that, I won't let him go, I need him to stay with me. I will find a way to wake him up, I'll find a way to treat him like the God he deserves to be treated as."

Kaila: "Stupid Kaila."

Vik: "He needs to wake up. He has to wake up."

Time Skip

Lachlan's POV


Doctor: "Sir please keep it down some residents are still in recovery."

I was so angry with Mitch right now, He use to be our friend, then a bully but it was all because he was jealous, and now with everyone accepting him back after trying to make a mends with Aiden, we all thought it was over until he goes and attacks him like this.

Cal: "Lachlan please calm down."


Cal: "I'm not, In fact I'm terrified, But getting angry and stopping the nurses from looking after him or stopping the doctors from doing their jobs are not going to help. Freya is in there with him now, The least we can do is just wait for Josh to get back."

I slumped onto the chair next to Cal as he put his hand on my knee, pushing down to try and stop me from bouncing it so quickly.

Cal: "Breathe baby. He will be Ok, He has to be."

Lachlan: "What makes you so sure of that though?"

Cal: "He never got to get angry at Mitch. And apparently Vik doubted him and I know he will want to apologize to him. Trust me, If Aiden has left something unsaid, or undone, He will stay here till its done. It's the first thing that made me fall in love with him before everything I did."

Lachlan: "Cal? Why did you do it?"

Cal: "Honestly, I don't remember. All I remember is that it was a regular thing I did, I never use to care or think about what he felt or how he was, I saw him like he was mine and mine alone. Maybe it was Jealousy, I can't remember the main reason. All I remember is that what I did to him should never be repeated on anyone else in their life."

I put my hand over the top of his that was still resting on my knee.

Cal: "Promise me he will open his eyes."

After a few minutes, when Cal spoke those words, I could feel his tears, Hear his voice crack from the anguish he feels. I wish I could do more for him right now. So I stood up and grabbed his hand, Lifting him up before I took a seat on the ground and pulled him down with me. Making sure he was situated so he could cuddle into me. As I held him in my arms, Letting him cry his tears into my shirt. His hands balled into fists with the fabric between his fingers. I felt lost all of a sudden, Like I had no idea what to do or say to try and comfort him. Everything I felt, Just made me want to hold and comfort Callum. Making sure he was OK, That he was still here next to me.

Lachlan: "Is this what love is? Doing anything for someone you like? Making them a priority above yourself, That no matter what, as long as he gets out alive then anything is Ok?"

I looked down at Cal as he tilted his head up. The tears still cascading down his cheek as I wiped them away. Leaning down to kiss his lips, capturing them in a moment and realizing this is the first time I've kissed him or held him. Making sure he was safe.

Lachlan: "If this is what love is... Then I hope it never goes away."

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