Chapter 9

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Vik's POV

I stood there for ten minutes before Simon opened the door. Showing Aiden sitting at his seat.

Vik: "Aiden?"

I watched as he turned to look at me. He had so much pain in his eyes. It was like he didn't know how to be a person anymore.

Aiden: "Hi Vik."

Vik: "Are you ok? I know Callum is here but I'm going to do everything I can to get him away from you."

Aiden: "It's ok."

I watched as he got up and walked over to me, Pausing for a moment before he looked up at me and smiled. Hugging me slowly before he let go and walked off. I turned to the clock and saw that we still had a half an hour before class.

Vik: "Good."

Simon: "What?"

I closed and locked the door before turning on Simon.


Simon: "Vik what the hell?"

Vik: "Don't fucking what the hell me what the hell Simon? What the fuck did you say to him?"

I started getting closer. Trying to be intimidating but look at us, there is an entire foot of difference in our height.

Simon: "I didn't say anything that you wouldn't. I told him he needs to learn that no matter how hard it may be, no matter how painful he gets. That you and I and the other boys aren't always going to be around to help him. Eventually he will need to grow out of his reliance on everyone to keep him safe. He may not be innocent but his actions, how he holds himself can make him a target. His clothing choice is another easy target. Vik no matter what he will need to grow to trust his friends, eventually be able to go with them instead of living in fear, He needs to stand up for himself and learn that he can't hide be..."

I had moved forward and grabbed his collar, pushing him against the wall. He let out a small yelp when He hit it.

Vik: "Don't fucking tell him that. I will be there for him and I don't fucking care what you say alright Minter? Don't fucking tell him to rely on his friends when I am here."

Simon: "You are his teacher, You can't help him all the time, You can't be there all the time. You can't have him relying on his teacher."

Vik: "Just shut up! I will keep him safe and hold him whenever he needs me. Don't fucking tell me I can't."



Time Skip

Josh: "What the hell is going on between you two..?"

Simon: "I don..."

Josh: "I'm not done, If it's about fucking Aiden I will pull him from the school."

Vik: "No you fucking won't."

Simon: "How the hell is he supposed to grow and build a trust with new friends that can help him and trust him in return if he can't come to school?"

Josh: "What... wait? Why are you guys arguing about him."

I realized now that 24 is way too old to be still in the closet.

Simon: "Because Vik here is having issues trying to let go of someone he never knew in the first place."

Vik: "I can look after him better than anyone else can."

Josh: "Oh is that it? Vik you are his teacher."

Vik: "And his friend, we all are. I don't know about you but If I was the principal of a school I wouldn't have accepted enrollment for a student that raped another. He had a fucking sly grin as he grabbed Aiden from behind, don't you dare tell me he wouldn't think of doing it again."

Josh: "Simon what do you think?"

Simon: "I think he's delusional. He is a student, He can't do anything without risking his job. And we all told you that if we were incapable of doing our jobs, then firing us would make the most sense right?"

Josh: "I'm not firing him for something as stupid as this. Hang on a second."

I watched as he took a seat and brought something up on his computer, thinking about it intently before letting out a sigh.

Simon: "Vik think of the fucking bullying he would get, think of the bullying you would get? I'm just trying to keep you both safe. And we didn't even know you were fucking gay man, Why didn't you tell us."

Vik: "It wasn't necessary and I'm Bisexual. This is stupid, Josh I have classes to..."

Josh: "It's legal."

Simon: "What?"

Josh: "Vik and Aiden, He would be able to and only bullying within school would stop them, Legally, it would be allowed. Aiden is 18. He was held back a year and this makes him an adult. He can make his own decisions."

Vik: "Thank you. Now if you will excuse me, I have a class to teach."

I got up and left the room, Feeling empowered and happy. I could be with Aiden and nothing would be able to stop me. That is except for the other students that hated it, Or would harass him when I wasn't around, Or even the other teachers thinking it would be wrong. It's legal though, so no matter what, I would be allowed... Even though I had never had feelings towards another man, Or even thought about a man like this. And here I was acting like I had known this man for years, Wanting to hold him and do anything to him. What the fuck was wrong with me. I walked outside to see something going down, A crowd of students were surrounding something and I didn't like the look of it, Getting a sick feeling inside.



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