Chapter 18

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(Guys. Meet Seth in his glory. I know that's what you all want... also putting it out there now this was taken while we were on holiday in Queensland. No he is not my boyfriend or husband though it's on Facebook that he is my husband and we get shipped a lot. We aren't seeing each other. But hey here is Seth.)

Aiden's POV

After almost not believing Seth, Let's be honest, Preston could handle himself. The only reason that I even believed him to be honest, Was because of Vik. His teaching instincts going nuts as he grabbed my hand and pulled me from the office, Not even caring that the whole school would see his hand in mine. Then again I know it's legal, Josh has told me that it was ok, Or at least Vik told me it was ok.

Vik: "Aiden please keep up, I can't let them think this is ok."

Aiden: "I'm sure Preston is ok. He is not silly. He will always be fine right?"

Vik: "We can't let them think it's ok though. Even if it is fake, We can't take those chances. Seth was their any other teachers near by?"

Seth: "No. They are doing it behind the Maths block."

Vik: "Got it. Aiden please."

I felt him tugging on my hand hard. He would just pull as he sprinted towards the maths block. I did my best to keep up but I'm sure he was just getting annoyed with me as he constantly tugged my hand. I looked up and noticed Preston the ground after we turned the corner. Landon trying to push people away. Screaming.

Aiden: "LANDON!"

He looked over towards me and barely showed emotion before he was picked up by one of the football players and thrown towards the wall. Laying slump against it while Preston tried to move closer towards him.


????: "What?"


????: "Anyway?"


I felt Vik flinch from my grasp, Pulling away and running towards the boys. I moved over to the boys and pushed them away, keeping them further away.

????: "You're that faggot accusing Mitch of..."

I barely gave him a moment to speak before I kicked his ass, Literally. Lifting my foot and making sure I kicked and followed through with my attack, Knocking him over and onto his face after pulling him away from my boys.

Vik: "Aiden we do not have the time. Leave them to Seth."

I'm starting to think that it's not Mitch running the school, I looked over at Seth and saw him looking down at Preston and Landon, He looked so upset but when he looked at the boys, Taking a moment to really look at them before he was smiling at the boys.

Seth: "You know you don't ever hurt my friends right?"

I looked and noticed the boys start to look at the man in fear. I could swear the blood drained from their faces when Seth moved away from them and moved towards Vik and helped up Preston and Landon. Landon was in pain but I'm sure they would be ok, Right?

Vik: "Preston? Buddy I need you to relax?"

Preston: "Not happening. Landon are you ok?"

Landon: "Ungh."

I watched as Preston hobbled his way to Landon before he leaned against the wall and pulled the smaller boy towards him, Holding him close while the smaller boy seemed to cry slightly.

Preston: "Those guys are gone now, Promise."

Landon: "Promise?"

Preston: "Promise."

Vik: "Boys what happened? I know it's not something you want to actively talk about right now but you need to know that I'm simply doing my job as a teacher, After watching him throw Landon against the wall, I can use the story you boys give to make sure the three of them get into trouble."

Seth: "Or, I can fabricate a story and have them become worse than Aiden here on teh school social scheme."

Preston: "Or, After just leaving us and Chris on our own, God I hope nothing has happened to him either. You can head back to wherever you came from and find someone else to annoy, I said I didn't want to help, That I wanted nothing to do with you. Now fuck off and leave us alone."

Vik: "Preston language."

Preston: "Fuck you Barn. If you hadn't arrived when you did, Yes they would have seriously hurt us, But I don't know why the fuck Seth walked to the other end of the school to find a teacher, What about the Maths block huh?"

Seth: "Shut up Preston I thought you would have more luck being safe if I called over a teacher that you already know, Someone you trust immensely ok? If you don't fucking like it, Grow a pair of balls and handle your own issues."

Preston: "I tried to handle my own issues and Landon got hurt, Now fuck you Seth. You know everything in this place so why the fuck do you hide in the shadows? Do you think you can get away with knowing everything about everyone and never being questioned for it. You know everything about anyone here. So why the fuck do you stand on the sidelines and just watch people get hurt, People get hurt all the time in this school whether it's from fucking Mitch or Carly and their damn group of friends. Why don't you fucking help us?"


(Holy shit, the guy in the school that knows everything? What the hell could he possibly be afraid of? I hope you guys enjoyed just a short chapter to establish that the winning couple was indeed Preston and Landon in a Tied 2-2 vote until Lei took it over to 3-2. Don't worry if you were behind Seth and Preston. I will still have Seth in the book and I will make the Preston and Landon win you all over. It's creepy to think about it but I will make it work :) I promise.

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