Chapter 45

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Aiden's POV

As we sat down at lunch, the entire group was on edge. Jay was seated with us but Michael wasn't anywhere near by, Kaila had gone off to find him but I don't know how much luck he would have.

Lachlan: "Why us? And why would they be spreading rumors about that? They saw what happened when shit started with Aiden."

Aiden: "Gee thanks."

Lachlan: "I'm not wrong."

Preston: "Wouldn't it make it easier to just ask him though? Or tell a teacher?"

Landon: "Yes Preston let's go and see a teacher about a rumor going around about a teacher touching kids. Cos that sounds like a great idea."

I looked around and noticed we were so deflated with good reason. Poor Jay is hitting this hard but it doesn't make sense.

Aiden: "Hang on, someone confronted me sometime ago, I don't remember how long ago but they did, I think they were part of Mitch's group of friends or Carly or someone like that. He confronted me out front of Tobis class afterwards and told me to stay away from Mitch. Think that might be related?"

Jerome: "Do you remember who it was?"

Aiden: "Wouldn't know from a bar of soap. But I'd probably be able to point him out if I saw him. And was actually paying attention."

That would be the problem though, I would need to pay attention.

Rob: "What if we spoke to Josh about it? He can't kick us all out if we are the ones being targeted as a group, and this isn't random bullying either."

Aiden: "Obviously but still..."

Mitch: "Hey."

I turned to see the man running in to us and take a seat next to me, putting his arm around my shoulder and tightening the grip before letting go. I could tell people were watching us but still.

Cal: "So what are we going to do?"

Ryan: "I've already messaged Jake,He said he knows nothing."

Mitch: "Jake's fucking hopeless, if you need info you find Seth or go straight to the source herself."

Jay: "Carly, I could have simply guessed after seeing the reaction of you Aiden."

Lachlan: "Look Jay..."

Jay: "Don't even bother Lachlan. I'm not in the mood."

I put my hand in my pocket and felt the ring Michael had dropped. Feeling the golden band in my pocket felt wrong. It felt foreign and I knew it didn't belong on the ground, or in my pocket, but back where it does belong on his finger.

Aiden: "Jay?"

Jay: "Please Aiden... No more."

I pulled the ring out and held it in my hand, making sure no one could see as I let out a deep breath and reached under the table to the man sitting next to me. His head resting on the table as I felt his hand open, allowing me to place the ring in his hand, in an instant you could hear his heavy breathing, the tears falling down his face didn't need to be seen but we all felt it.

Aiden: "We are going to find out what and why, and he will be back. I promise."

He simply nodded his head as I looked at everyone at the table trying to have a normal conversation with each other but it was forced, naturally.

Mitch: "I know I've asked this before but are you Ok?"

Aiden: "Yeah, I'll be fine. I just hope this doesn't keep going for long."

Mitch: "It's Tuesday right? We should just wait for now. I'm sure it can't get much worse than this, And believe me, I've seem some shit at this school."

Aiden: "I don't doubt you would have. Guys I'm going to go get some food, I'll talk to you all later."

Lachlan: "You have science with Chris next."

Aiden: "Thanks Lachy."

I got up from my seat and started walking till I noticed Harry walking towards me and he did not seem happy.

Aiden: "Harry?"

Harry: "You? Do you fucking know what you did to him? Did you start these rumors to keep him away from you?"

Aiden: "Harry what?"

Harry: "Don't play dumb it was you wasn't it?"

Aiden: "Harry I don't understand what's going on."

Harry: "He's depressed Aiden, He won't go anywhere and we had to convince him to even come to school today, You broke up with him and it hurt him that was obvious because he really liked you. But now he doesn't know what to think, especially with these stupid rumors going around. Seven of them Aiden that's not fucking fair."

Aiden: "I know that Harry but don't go accusing me of starting shit when I was the first one they targeted, and now six other people, who all just so happen to be in my group of friends aside from Fischer, Have been targeted as well. Its already broken one relationship. I'm not letting it break anymore."

Harry: "Then you need to have it done by Friday. That's how long I have to fix this."

Aiden: "Why Friday?"

Harry: "Just make Damn sure it's done Ok?"

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