Chapter 41

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Aiden's POV

As I sat in class and waiting for the bell to ring, signaling the end of the day. I couldn't help but let me thoughts drift between Mitch, Vik, and Saturday. What the fuck does that mean? Ok so I know Saturday means a day of the week. One of the best days of the week because it's the weekend. And everyone loves the weekend, but why would people be calling me that? They have been doing it all lesson, And this is the only one I have with Mitch in it.

Tobi: "The air is thick in here. Is something wrong guys? Everyone here seems to be a bit deflated."

Mitch: "It's nothing sir."

Lily: "It's not nothing. This Faggot knows where he belongs. He should lock himself up until Saturday. It's the only day he gets."

Aiden: "What is with Saturday? I don't even know what's going on?"

Lily: "Oh please no one believes your shit. And besides he asks first and then they agree."

Mitch: "How would you even know about that?"

Lily: "Seth has it in his mind to let this piece of shit know his place."

Aiden: "This is so frustrating. I thought he was a friend."

Mitch: "You can't trust anyone."

Aiden: "I trust my friends."

Michael: "I wouldn't."

Aiden: "What why? Also how long have you been here."

Tobi: "Aiden he's been here since we started school. You just never turn around. Alright guys look this is ridiculous. Regardless of whatever is going on right now. We are all students in this school. No one is above or below anyone else so we need to look out for each other. The bullying, whether small and meaningless or rather big and hurtful needs to end guys. As teachers we try and sustain a comforting and inviting class and place where students can and should feel safe. This is not what we think about when it comes to school. I want you guys to try and get along with someone in the class So I want to assign you guys randomly a partner for the week. We will make a social experiment to see if by being together and getting to know someone for a week, can help us to better understand a person. I shall also be writing you guys a note to give to your parents so they understand why I've decided to do this experiment. We will begin today but as of tomorrow. I also want to implore you guys spend time together outside of school as well to try and further not even a bond, just a way of communication. Now for the rest of class, go ahead and chat with someone next to you while I get this all set up and ready to go."

I looked around the class and saw people already conversing about how excited they were. And also how excited they were the odds of being put with me were so low. I gotta give them credit, they may be dicks, but they aren't stupid.

Mitch: "Are you Ok?"

Aiden: "Not really."

Five minutes later, Tobi stood up and told us to pull a name out. It was nice seeing people start to get their friends which made them happy. I saw him walk over to Mitch as he reached his hand into the hat, Mitch pulling out the piece of paper before letting out a massive sigh of relief.

Mitch: "Do you want to come and stay at mine tonight Aiden?"

Aiden: "I'm sorry?"

Mitch: "I pulled your name out. Do you, uh want to come over maybe?"

Aiden: "Uh? Ok sure. I'll have to talk to Freya though."

Mitch: "It's Ok."

Jay: "Sir you have to understand no one will go near Michael but me and our friends. And as Mitch and Aiden are already paired off. I'm the only one he will give the light of day."

Tobi: "Jay I'm sorry but that's how this works. To make new friends and learn about our peers so we can become a stronger and closer community."

Michael: "I'm not going with anyone."

I heard his chair fall back as he got angry, everyone in the room flinched while Mitch and I just looked at him worryingly.

Jay: "Mr Lerone no one. And I mean no one, will go near my boyfriend let alone speak to him. Tell Grace she can pair off with Vicky I don't care."

Grace: "Aww and here I was wanting to get closer to you baby."

I watched Michael flinch before he grabbed his bag and walked out. Slamming the door behind him.

Tobi: "So?"

Jay: "He's extremely protective but I know that's not his fault. Grace you can go with Vicky. I know she doesn't want to be paired with him anyway. Tobi I will bring him back to class OK."

Tobi: "We only have five minutes just go take him home."

As he left the room I looked over at Mitch to see him nervously playing with his jacket. His bag packed and ready to go as soon as the bell rings.

Aiden: "Mitch?"

Mitch: "What's up?"

Aiden: "Do you know why they call me Saturday? I need to know if it involves me."

Mitch: "Yeah I know why, Everyone does but I don't think you would want to know. I think it's something you need to confront Vik about. Not just talk to him and hope he says something. I mean pin him against something, threaten him or something but you need to make sure he tells you the truth, You won't like it. But sometimes we need a harsh truth to make us remember what we need."

Aiden: "Oh..."

Mitch: "Come on the bell is about to go. We can head back to my place or yours if you want to grab some of your own clothes or you can borrow mine?"

Aiden: "Mitch I wouldn't want to inconvenience you."

Mitch: "Hey don't worry. It's fine I promise."

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