First chapter yaaay!

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Hi my puglings! *smiles awkwardly * So this is the first chapter of my thingamajig book blog/vlog/whatever. (Read the description.)
Whatchya doin??
Haha. Maybe I'll just start with an interview with mahsalf.

Q: Where did you first discover wattpad?

A: It's a funny story actually. I was watching a basketball game and was getting bored so I was secretly looking over the shoulder of the kid two rows in front of me. I thought he was emailing somebody but he was actually writing on wattpad, which I found out because he uploaded a part. I'm still trying to find him on here. It was something about pokemon . . . he was asking on that particular chapter what our favorite one was, I think. It was a looooonnng time ago. I was living in Texas then, near a college called Texas A&M. If you live their and are a dude and wrote a pokemon book on here about a year ago then I might have been looking over your shoulder like a creep! Yay!!

Q: Have you ever been published irl?

A: Actually, yes!! It's an anthology called Words Were Spilt.I did it under the name W. Morgan Yocky (yes I know Yocky is kinda the German word for jacket but idk it sounded cool. Who knows it might be Dutch I can't remember) I wrote a novel excerpt/short story called Let It Fly. If you're willing to spend your allowance, you can buy it on amazon! I promise I get ZERO compensation for it. It allllll goes to the library who funded our project!
I wrote it with a bunch of other kids, including my irl besties Katie, Sunshine, and Maddy.😄

Q: What is your favorite Oreo?

A: Currently? Cinnamon Bun flavor. It is heaven.

Q: Who is your favorite author?


Q: If you could go out to lunch with any 4 characters of any fandom's, who would you choose and where would you go?

A: Hmmm..... Probably Nico do Angelo, Remus Lupin, and Sam and Dean Winchester. And I wouldn't go to lunch, I would force Nico and Remus to go on a hunting trip with me, Sam, and Dean. Only then would I die happily.

Q: If I were to summon you like I would a demon, what would I need?

A: Three pages of your deepest secrets, a giant soft fluffy teddy bear, red velvet frozen yogurt, cinnamon bun oreoes, and a mug that says 'Hey ASSBUTT! ~Castiel' on it. Then you would need to chant the following quotes: "I lost my shoe." "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole." "Tuesday! Pig n' a Poke!"  "Don't forget the pie." And "Pudding!" While simultaneously playing Carry on My Wayward Son and Eye of the Tiger.
I should fall through the roof soon after both songs end. I am not responsible for any injuries to you or myself while I consume the foods.

Q: What book have you never read but would really like to, and why?

A: Probably one of Stephen King's works. I'm not scared that easily and I wanna see if they're as spooky as people say they are. I plan on reading one at midnight under a new moon with all the lights off except my very dim owl lamp. That should be enough to at least spook me.

Q: What are you most afraid of?

A: Right now? You finding out what I'm most afraid of. But that's only right now.

Q: What are your favorite emojis?

A: these are getting random . . . but okay!! 😅, 🎭,📷,🐱,🐷,🐍,🐬,🐲,🐝,🍧🍦🍩🍰🍪🍫🍬🍖🍮🍯🍳🍔🍟🍝🍕🍖🍗🍤🍣🍱🍞🍜🍙🍚🍛🍲🍥🍢🍡🍘🍠🍌🍎🍏🍋🍋🍄🍅🍆🍇🍈🍉🍐🍑🍒🍓🍍🌰,🌈,🌹,🌇,🎣,🏄,🐎,💌,🔯,🆓,💫,🔊,🔆 aaaaaaand ♈♐♉♑♊♒♋♓♌⛎♍♎♏ and my mostest favoritest one yet is 🔱 because it reminds me of Percy Jackson.

Q: What's your favorite sport?

A: Quidditch, obviously. The wizard kind, not the muggle version where the snitch is allowed to knock you to the ground like a bludger.

Q: Will you marry me????

A: That depends on if you're a demigod, hunter, wizard, or ninja. If thou aren't, thou be denied. If thou is, thou will be at my side for the rest of time.

Q: Fave TV show??

A: It's a tie between LEGO Ninjago and Supernatural.

Q: Favorite song?

A: It is a tie between My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark by Fall Out Boy (it reminds me of Leo), Little Do You Know by Alex & Sierra (reminds me of Percabeth) and Ave Mary A by P!nk.

Q: What's your OTP and BrOTP in each fandom?

A: uuuh Percabeth as Otp Valdangelo for Brotp in the Uncle Rick fandom, in HP it's Wolfstar as OTP and James/Sirius as Brotp. In Supernatural it's Destiel as otp and The Winchester Bros. As Brotp.

Q: (This is the last question) Out of all the characters you have made up, who is your favorite and why?

A: Probably Katie Taylor from my Fates' Gift book that is coming out next year (I want it to be completely finished when it's published) because she is a total badass and her catchphrases are amazing!! Example: Katie and Leo were about to go to their separate appointments when they felt a rumbling in the ground.
"What the blubber?" Katie muttered, and Leo gave her a sideways glance.
Katie spotted Nico and Percy running towards them, and she ushered Leo to follow her. They were about to meet halfway when an invisible force threw them in opposite directions.
"Ow! Hey universe, what the whale?!" Katie shouted. Leo rolled his eyes, and Nico held out his hands in a 'what-the-Hades-are-you-talking-about' gesture. Percy looked like he wanted to laugh and shout at the same time, but before he could decide another earthquake shook the camp.

Okay that was fun now you try asking me some question and then I'll answer them every chapter before or after the normal thingy! Or maybe not because I will update this randomly . . .
Probably make a few in advance while offline . . .
Eh. Oh well.
I still need a cool outro.
Haha that has kinda become my outro lol.
Maybe I can just go like . . .

*poofs back* ok just suggest in the comments pls. 😅 *re-poof!*

Ranting, Raging, and General Fangirliness [FIRST OF MANY BOOKS] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now