N i g h t s O u t W i t h F r i e n d s.

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Everyone envies Martijn and you on the squad you have. He is lucky enough to have a team who supports him, loves him, honors him and helps him on his crazy journey, from the beginning. You were always scared on how his management and friends would react when they see you, but luckily they were always super chill and friendly. Some of them even had some secret crushes on you which Martijn could never find out of since he would kill them. 

Every Saturday night you organize a night out with your closest friends: your best friend from childhood (Y/F/N), Louis, Watse, Jose, Michael, Damian, Aubrey, Julian Jordan and his girlfriend who you adored and maybe one or two of your friends as well, if they're not busy or shy. Sometimes you go out bowling, sometimes you have karaoke nights or even just have fun at a club. If Martijn has a gig that night, then you all go and support him while you have a few drinks and dance the night away to the best music.  

Friday nights are reserved for you and Martijn only, when you go out on cute little dates and have fun while being with each other. Sometimes you make double dates with some of his friends with whose girlfriends you get along well. 

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