- Good Boys Go To Heaven, Bad Boys Go Everywhere II -

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Who would've thought that you, just a simple seventeen year old, would have skipped school because of sheer curiosity, curiosity about Martijn Garritsen, the boy who has been haunting you for years.

Above your school was a big hill, you knew the smokers often met up there and drank or smoked weed since the teachers often avoided going up there, so nobody could check up on them. You were panting as you took small steps towards the top, while Martijn walked up there without a problem. You envied him on his fitness, while you barely had any strength left.

-You coming? - he asked, standing maybe ten meters in front of you.

-Yeah. - you sighed. - Just give me a minute.

He rolled his eyes and walked back to you. - Come on, there's not much left. We'll be there in five minutes. - he offered you a hand which you hesitantly took.

-I can walk by myself, you know? - you said as you stared at your hands, fingers entertwined together.

-I know. - he offered you his famous smirk.

Just as he promised, five minutes later you found yourself standing in front of a big cottage, catching your breath. You looked around and saw many broken glass bottles laying in the grass; cigarettes, some half-burnt some almost completely gone, only the filter left. The sight made you cringe.

-Come on in. - he broke in, opening the big, heavy wooden door. - I won't bite... Maybe. - he winked.

While you stood in front of the cottage, pondering whether to enter and risk being murdered, raped or locked in or run away and get lost in the woods since you didn't know the way, Martijn got lost somewhere in the dark. You slowly stepped into the building and wandered around, looking for the brunette boy. You finally found him sitting on a small crate in the middle of the dark room.

-Sit. - he made space for you beside him.


-Got a problem?


Slowly you stepped towards the crate and sat down beside his warm, tattooed body. He took out his pack of cigarettes and lit up one, then laid down, his head on your lap.

-Um.. what are you doing? - you asked him in a confused voice.

-Do you mind it? - he took a long drag.

-Um... yes?

-I don't give a shit. - he giggled.

-Wow... rude. - you rolled your eyes at his childish behavior.

A few moments of silence passed before he spoke again.

-Tell me about yourself.

-What? - you thought you didn't hear him well. He wanted to know something about you?

- Tell me something about yourself. - he repeated agitatedly.

-What do you want to know?

-Well first of all, your name.


-Just (Y/N)?

-Just (Y/N).

-Funny, I always thought you had a last name, too. - he sarcastically added.

-Why do you want to know anything about me?

-It's not fair, you know everything about me but I don't know shit about you. Who are you? What do you want to do with your life?

-I'm (Y/N). I'm seventeen. I live with my parents and I want to become a graphic designer. You?

-I'm Martijn, as you already know. - he was finally opening up. - I'm seventeen. I live with my mama, papa and little sister.

-Laura. - you confirmed.

-And I want to become a superstar DJ. - this statement surprised you. Being a DJ is a great job and big responsibility and you never thought of Martijn as a DJ. He always seemed like a boy without any goals in life. What could he want more; he was rich, popular, cool and happy. His parents had enough money to leave him a fortune if they died. - Stupid, huh?

-What? No. It's not stupid. - you protested. - I mean, it is weird but ambicious people always suceed.

-You think? - he looked at you, eyebrows raised and those green orbs widened in surprise. - Most of the people would disagree. It seems impossible.

-If you believe-

-Nothing is impossible, I know. - he groaned, annoyedly. His bipolar behavior agitated you a bit.

He suddenly stood up, collected his belongings and started walking out, not bothering to wait for you. - Come on, we gotta go back. Judging by your pace, we'll be late.

-Oh, fuck off. Not everyone can be as fit as you. - you yelled angrily.

-I know, right? - he smirked once more.

-Asshole. - you whispered under your breath.


Soon you were back at the school property, walking completely distanced from each other. It was already recess, the students were wandering around with books and notebooks in their hands. He walked back towards his group, not bothering to even say 'goodbye' to you. You knew it was to good to be true, him and you becoming friends, or maybe even acquaintances.

He just used me not to be alone. He saw that I was free and he dragged me up there. Fucking prick.

Soon you spotted Tina waving at you from the middle of the yard and you decided to join her and completely forget about your little meeting with Martijn.

I don't need him. I don't even want him. He is bad news and I don't need any distractions. I just hope nobody noticed anything.

As you were passing by the group of smokers, among them him as well, you heard one of his friends, Anton you recalled his name was, asking him something. His thick, foreign accent evident when he spoke.

-Bro, where were you? You skipped English lessons again.

You could feel the Dutch boy's eyes burning holes into your body while you passed by. Tina was talking about something, but you weren't even listening, her voice faded away. It was just another background noise in oppose to the boys' conversation.

-I went for a walk, didn't really feel like listening to Mr. Cameron talking about Shakespeare's sonnets. - his eyes never left your side even when he spoke. They finally met after a few seconds, you almost glaring at him.

-So, you going to the party this Friday? You can bring a plus one. It will be wild.

He took a long drag of his Marlboro. - I don't know, I have to ask one girl if she wants to come. - he smirked at you and turned away to continue a conversation about something else.

That was weird. Why was he looking at me?

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