- Bali -

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As promised, Martijn and you were on vacation on Bali, one of the most beautiful places in Indonesia. You were extremely nervous, not only because you were travelling with your boyfriend, you had done it many times before, but because you've never been to Bali before. As soon as you both had a week off, he booked you tickets and planned the whole thing out. Well, almost everything.. 

- Bali is a living postcard, an Indonesian paradise that feels like a fantasy. Soak up the sun on a stretch of fine white sand, or commune with the tropical creatures as you dive along coral ridges or the colorful wreck of a WWII war ship. On shore, the lush jungle shelters stone temples and mischievous monkeys. The "artistic capital" of Ubud is the perfect place to see a cultural dance performance, take a batik or silver-smithing workshop, or invigorate your mind and body in a yoga class... - you heard the tour guide in front of you saying. 

Your guide was a tall man, maybe around his mid-twenties, good-looking and smart. He knew a lot about the culture of this place, but still not enough to impress you. All of the girls from your group swooned all over him and checked him out every once in a while but you were completely uninterested, especially because you didn't want anyone else except Marty. You noticed the guy eyeing you a few times whenever he counted the group which made Martijn feel a bit uneasy and maybe even angry, but you ignored it completely. The man wasn't important. 

-I swear that we're going without this guy the next time we go sightseeing. - Martijn whispered into your ear. 

-Don't stress about it, Marty. - you chuckled. - Besides, we're going to get lost, we're both clumsy and not careful. 

-I don't care, who does he think he is?! He thinks he can have any girl by just looking at her and checking her out like she's a mannequin on display. - anger was now pretty much evident in his usually soothing voice, which made his accent stand out even more. But it was cute, seeing him jealous and protective. 

-Okay, if you want to, we can wander around alone. But it's not my fault if we get lost. 

-Nah, we'll just find another guide. - he compromised. 


The following morning you were visiting Batubulan Village – Barong. You were amazed by the architectural wonders and the dance which made their culture so exotic and interesting. Later you were touring in the Art Villages ( Painting, Silver, Wood/stone carving) and saw how things were made. Then you came to the Temples and Rice Terraces, where you saw the 11th-century shines at Gunung Kawi, and experienced Tirta Empul's temple spring. You walked around a bit until you got tired and took a few pictures before you continued towards a restaurant. Martijn took you to the Secret Garden restaurant, allegedly the best restaurant in Bali where you had a nice, romantic dinner. 

-How are you liking the vacation so far? - he asked you while sipping champagne from his glass.

-I love it, as always. Thank you for everything. I'm enjoying it. - your eyes shone under the lights that illuminated the restaurant. 

-I'm glad. - he smiled. - I'm enjoying it, too. As long as we're together. 

-Cheezy as fuck, but okay. I'm glad you think that. - you giggled. 

-I'm just being honest. I really love you, (Y/N).

-Is this the part where you propose because I'm not really- 

-No, no. - he giggled. - It's not. Not yet. - he winked. 

-I love you, too. - you smirked. -I think we should go, it's getting pretty late and we're not so close to the hotel. 

-Okay, just let me pay the bill and we'll go. 

-Can we at least split? Please?

-Nonsense, you're not paying anything. 



-This must've cost a fortune! Come on, please. - you pleaded. - Please, please, please...

-My girl never pays when she's with me. Understood?

-Do you always have to be this stubborn?

-Only when it comes to things like this. 


Day three. You were at the beach, enjoying the wonderful scenery in front of you. You never even imagined Indonesian beaches were this big, clean and beautiful. The water was so blue, like the sky and the green nature around you made it even more pleasing for your eyes, as it pointed out the color of the sea. You were in your one piece swimsuit, sunbathing when Martijn picked you up and carried towards the sea. 

-Martijn, what are you doing?! - the water reached his stomach already. 

-You're not going to sit there all day, are you? I'm bored. - he whined. 

-Don't drop me, please. Carry me. 

-Hm, I don't think so. - a sudden cold hit your body and soon you were trying to catch some air in your lungs, but instead all you felt was salty water in your mouth. 

The little fucker dropped you into the water. 

Very cold water. 

As soon as you managed to pull yourself back up from beyond the sea level, you heard a fit of giggles erupting from your boyfriend. 

-You're such an asshole, Martijn. - you wiped your eyes from the salt. - I'm going to get you back for this. 

-I'm sorry, okay? Are you okay?

-Yeah, yeah... I'm fine. 

-Wanna go for a swim, then we can go tan?

-Okay, yeah. 

After a long and fun swim where you splashed each other with water or raced to establish who is the faster swimmer (it's you btw), you dried up a bit, then tanned under the sun. 

Moments like this with him were your favorite. 

The rest of the days there you mostly spent on the beaches or sightseeing some important places. 


TE-RRI-BLE. I know. It's awful, but I really have no inspiration at all but I felt a bit bad since I haven't updated in three or four days and I really wanted to write another chapter. I started writing about the vacation in Bali two days ago but didn't finish it and now it's here. 


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